WHAT A SERVICE LAST NIGHT AT PLEASANT BRANCH BAPTIST CHURCH REVIVAL MEETING!!!!!!!! its been a log time since i have been in a metting like that. the lord showed up in his fullness,and the spirt was great,it was just an old time preaching service. had great singing and fellowship. Brother William Souther preached one of the best messages i have heard in a long time,i dont think there was a dry eye in the building. I do believe that the entire hollar in that area could hear the shouting. I would almost go off the edge to say that for a small church,small area,back off the beatin path,on a gravel road in the middle of knowwhere,that the entire area was woke up and had to hear what was going on. the folks that lived around there that wasnt in the service,got to hear a message preached last night and hear a bunch of christians shouting and praising the lord,even after the service you could hear the shouting coming from the church yard ......AMEN,PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME......I went to bed last night with a full cup that runneth over and i woke up with it the same way. when i went to church last night i had a burden on my heart that the lord knew all about,and I left it at the alter of christ and its in his hands and he will answer it and before i left last night i had comfort come about me that it would be taken care of and i know it will,because god answers his childrens prayers and listens when they call upon him.....cant wait to get down to have preaching service tonight with a dear friend and fellow christian and sister in christ"sister betty fritz". we will gather at her house at 7pm for preaching and some singing if anyone wants to come. its in the alvarado area her number is in the book and address too if you want to attend come be with us. and im so looking forward to sunday morning service at comers creek baptist church and sunday night for the singing at faith fellowship church in the chilhowie area,and then monday night the begining of there revival that i have been asked to help preach. i cant wait to preach gods word.,all that can and will come be with us we would love to have ya
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 13:06:48 +0000

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