WHAT AM I LIVING FOR? By Evang. Matthew Aigbe What a great - TopicsExpress


WHAT AM I LIVING FOR? By Evang. Matthew Aigbe What a great question I need to ponder on it Ok, now what am I living for? I was born I grew Am still growing But am standing to ask myself What am I living for? What makes me special? What good am I being alive? Am I a problem? Am I a solution? Am I affecting lives? Am I creating am impact? What is my passion? What is my mission? What is my purpose? What is my focus? What am I pursuing? Hey....! To many questions I cant even understand... Wait a minute Two more questions Whats Gods purpose for me? How will I end up? Yes! The end also matters I need to check properly To know what am living for Am I living or existing? Am I living a fulfilled life? Is God satisfied with my life? I hope Hes not repenting that He made me What do I have to offer? Are there special skills? What outstanding thing can I do? Is there a place for me? Can I be great? Yes, I want to be great But am I really working towards it? Oh! The price is too high Should I just settle for less? Maybe I should just live the normal life Just existing and keeping quiet Oh No! Thats not what I want I want to make some noise I want to touch the lives of people I want to spread the good news To let someone know about Jesus I want to be a voice that speaks to the hearts of men I really desire to be used by God To liberate the world from bondage and sin But wait a minute Am I Jesus? No! Can I save anyone from sin? Hmmmmmm NO! Am not Jesus, neither am I the saviour of the world Then what should I do? I can do something to lead people to Jesus. Now how many have I led to Him? Have I been evangelizing or am just busy with my own issues? To feed my stomach and put money in my own pocket? Oh No! Thats not what I want I want to be a light Yes, a great light I want the world to see Jesus in me Maybe thats what am living for I really want to carry Jesus Everywhere Every time Every day In the secret In the public Online Offline For better For worse till death... We wont part, I will meet Jesus in heaven Embrace him and rejoice that I finally made it. I AM LIVING FOR JESUS!!! Are you living for Jesus?
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:41:10 +0000

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