WHAT MAKES A MAN GREAT? Interesting question especially these days - TopicsExpress


WHAT MAKES A MAN GREAT? Interesting question especially these days when we both get closer what is happiness and that can give meaning to our lives. Sometimes we feel weak in the face of so many challenges and so many situations in life that we can ask ourselves if life is really that Hill of things that at times brings us joy, in sadness, others in others makes us feel homesick and in others still makes you think in solitude and helplessness. Is in the midst of all this the question that starts these lines takes a sense deeply reflective and even investigative. All this to say that the answer to such a question is not easy and certainly not made a single statement. What makes a man great, from the point of view of their own identity and principles which mark its existence, are such diverse aspects and so complex that I dont know if we can say of all in these few lines. The grandeur of the human being is very well described in that beautiful Bible verse of Psalm 8 which says that God made us little less than a god and crowned with glory and splendor. The affirmation of the composer from Psalm fills with dignity the be, making us more human and approaching the God himself, since we are made like him and from him. But there are other things we can refer to as a big man. Love, for example, the love of friendship, affection, attention, dedication and always feeling is something that magnifies. In fact, I think God created the human being once you have created the love, and when he created the love said: it takes a someone who can live this feeling so noble, and it was then that he made the human being to love without limits and without measures, in all directions and in all directions and aspects. Other than love, are the virtues that make a man be great, and virtues are always related to thought, with experience and testimony. The greatness of someone is perceived when it is expressed in actions thats virtuous and divine, because even the smallest virtuous actions of our existence can become great beings. In speaking of virtue, you dont have to be big to do big, only it is for a straight intent and that will suffice to make us explode in kindness, charity, faith, joy, responsibility and help. Because we already have there dignity, love, virtues as aspects that make us great. Theres a third thing which you may not agree but that for me makes the greatness of a person, your way of living life. And this, to me, is that what makes me admire a person, and when the person is admirable and becomes an admirer, so their awesomeness is full of entitlement and recognition. I know many people admire and I admire no matter what, the admire simply because they are admirable. Thinking about Ari, who this week was cause for some tears of nostalgia because it broke, I can tell you all this and much more can make a man great ... And Ari was a great man. But I can say with more certainty is that what made me feel great myself, in this life, was knowing that I had with Ari and for him, an irreplaceable and unmistakable admiration. Peace Ari, because in here has a void that only your peace in God can fill. Nostalgia ... By Father Adilson,M.S. from ROME, ITALY!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:18:40 +0000

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