WHAT N.G.E. MEANS TO ME... In The Name Of Allah, Lord Of All - TopicsExpress


WHAT N.G.E. MEANS TO ME... In The Name Of Allah, Lord Of All Thee Worlds... “ What N.G.E. Means To Me…” Well, first to effectively answer and understand such an inquiry and the person who is answering such an inquiry, three questions need to be addressed, and then understanding is more guaranteed to be understood: 1. What is N.G.E.? 2. Who is N.G.E.? And thirdly(3). Why not N.G.E.? Now, in according to law and order, Supreme Mathematics, first(knowledge) things first(knowledge() and last things last(True or Not?) 1. WHAT IS N.G.E.? Ans… N.G.E. is abbreviation for the Nation Of Gods & Earths commonly known as Five Percenters, God-body and once known as Allah’s’ Five Percent. 2. WHO IS N.G.E.? Ans… Well, being we have already established that N.G.E. is the abbreviations for the Nation Of Gods And Earths, then there’s Nothing wrong to ask and answer such as following: Who is the Nation Of Gods And Earths? Ans… The Nation Of Gods And Earths are the chosen and few males(God) and females(Earth) who are here in flesh and person, here on the planet Earth, who are more close than any other being or creature to their Godhood or Supreme relations. Which may sound kinda contradicting, when looking at such an title(“Nation Of God”s” And Earth”s””) and considering our declaration “One God!”, “One Earth”…. Before I manifest another thought allow me to add on to such a possible misunderstanding. No, it is not a contradiction, rather a consideration, for many would not C-E-E, nor understand the “One God”, nor “One Earth” truth, especially not when the individual uses numerology to establish or calculate Gods’ existence. (74…14. Who are the 85%? Ans…The……..people who do not know who the true and living God is, or their origin in this world. ) So, such a title was put there for those who lacked sight( One of three constituting elements of triple state of darkness… )and aid them in identifying the true, living, chosen and few. For such couldn’t be for the true, living, chosen and few, for not only do we know who the true and living God is, as well our origin in this world, but as well that we are it, and there is only one!!! For one of the many recollections of the Father Allah, in regards to seeing Allah, was ALL must come together. Not come together to form many, rather to form show and prove ONE!!! *Note: Every crown, or wrap wearing, 120 quoting, ¾ rocking, parliament attending, went to the show & prove in Mecca person , universal flag totting is not N.G.E.(Hmmmmmmm?) Many shall come, ONLY FEW shall be CHOSEN !!! 3. WHY NOT N.G.E? Ans…First know and understand, N.G.E.(Nation Of Gods & Earths)is for everyone, but everyone is not for N.G.E. Keeping in mind, we the true , living and chosen are few by not only title(5%), but as well by actual fact and truth. For in the final analyzes, the few is the few, s the many are many, and it’s not hard to distinguish the other from the other. Those who are chosen and few, are chosen and few because they chose themselves to not be one of the many, rather one of the few. So there will be those(Many) who will choose not N.G.E., as those such as I, who choose N.G.E. indeed. And why(?) you will cee(the ability to perceive people and things for what they really are, not just for what they may seem or appear to be…) The only ways I can cee or see anyone choosing not N.G.E. is because of ignorance, fear, foolishness or he or she is devil. Now, as I answer the question at hand(“What N.G.E. Means To Me….”), I hope you can C-E-E as well see, why I made manifest that which I have made manifest; “What N.G.E. Means To Me…” Ans…Of course by now is known, as well understood that N.G.E. is nothing more than an abbreviation for the Nation of Gods & Earths. So, when I ask or manifest, What N.G.E. means to me… It is the same as saying, What the Nation of Gods and Earths means to Latik(Application Latik Seymou Allah). The answer is not only the same, but as well as following: N.G.E. a.k.a the Nation Of Gods and Earths is a LIFESAVER as well the purpose and reason to live(LIFE!!). For when looking back at my life prior to 15,063(1978) to justice years afterwards, up until today I must admit and say, N.G.E. saved me from either a coffin or a eternal cell(Prison Cell, of course…). At the same time of saving my life it gave me a life of purpose, which is why I go to rest with N.G.E. on my mind, awake with N.G.E. in my thoughts , and throughout my daily living, at home and abroad, N.G.E. is with me in one way or another. In return I live not just to live but hopefully to save another life, and aid someone else in cee-ing as well seeing the life saving and life meaning giving N.G.E. is to me, and can be to he or her, who is chosen and few. N.G.E. to me is the seeking of many, yet the answer of few. The Nation of Gods and Earths, is the title and definition of that way of life(culture) that if and when practiced truly, brings you closer and closer to your divine and Supreme existence and purpose, one day becoming ONE with ONE!!! No mystical nor mystery thing, just Supreme Be( Do the Knowledge to degree ,”Supreme BE!”). The Nation Of Gods and Earths means to me, what my Old Earth( Betty Hamilton 4-25-42 - 8-23-04 (R.I.P!)), my seeds, and those who are dear to me, means to me. Which is beyond the expression of words, divine and extremely meaningful. . Many have said what they would do for N.G.E., where I have done and will do more. N.G.E. is all the reason to wake up, live for as well die for, if and when MUST!? I understand N.G.E. and because of that understanding, I can say I Sincerely Love this Nation, this culture, commonly known as the Nation of Gods and Earths. I know and understand there is only a few out there who will truly know and understand what N.G.E. means to me, or even why. But that is totally understandable, considering only few will be. While many will wonder and fail to understand, WHAT N.G.E. ,means to Application Latik Seymou Allah. Made Manifest By; Application Latik Seymou Allah(15,099)(*4042715011) Please Educate Allah’s Children Everyday/Everywhere(Peace!)!!!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:29:32 +0000

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