WHAT THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION WOULD LOOK LIKE IF YOU UPDATE THE LANGUAGE AND REMOVE THE JEWISH CONNECTION: PROTOCOL 1: Right lies in might, Freedom is an idea only. What I am about to say to you now is our system from two points of view. That of ourselves and that of the masses. It must be noted that people with bad instincts are in greater number than the good. Therefore the best results in ruling them are gained by violence and terrorisation, not in academic discussion (sick huh?). Every person craves power; everyone would become a dictator if they could. Rare indeed are the people who are not willing to sacrifice the welfare of all to secure their own welfare. What has held back the Predator that is called man? What has served as its guidance till now? In the beginnings of the structure of society they were subjected to brutal and blind force; then -- to law, which is the same force, only disguised (1) . (Must make and keep record of footnotes eg Blind Justice) Political freedom is an idea only, not a fact. This idea is used whenever it appears necessary to be used as bait to lure the masses to your party for the purpose of crushing another person in power. This job is made easier if the masses truly believe in freedom, so called liberalism. Because they believe, they are willing to give away some of their power to others (2). This is where the triumph of our theory appears: The sacrificed power of government is immediately (by way of life) caught up and gathered together by a new hand. This happens because the blind might of a nation cannot, even for one single day exist without guidance. This new authority (us) merely fits into the place of the old, which has now been weakened by the idea of freedom. In our present day the power which has replaced the rulers who were liberal is gold (3). Time was when faith ruled. The idea of freedom is impossible because no-one knows how to use it in moderation. We are happy to hand over full power to the people, the people soon become a disorganised mob. From that moment on we get strife and unrest that soon develops into a battle of the classes, in the midst of which States fall apart and their importance is reduced to ashes. Whether a State exhausts itself by its own upheavel, or whether its internal dischord brings it under the power of external enemies - in any case it can be counted irretrievably lost and in our power. The power of money, which is entirely controlled by us, can then throw out a life-rope (loan) to the state, which the state must accept. If not, it goes to the bottom! To those who think these concepts wrong and evil let me ask you this: Is it wrong for a State at war to use every method possible to hide its plans of attack and defence, is it evil to attack by night or in greater numbers to ensure victory? But every state has two enemies, one external, the other, is a far greater threat. The destroyers of the structure of society, those who differ from common opinion. Is it wrong to use all the methods mentioned above to destroy this threat? Is it possible for any sane man with his head screwed on to believe that they can guide the masses by using logical argument and common sense? Especially when any common problem or woe, stupid and pointless though it may be, will find favour with the masses who’s powers of reasoning are shallow at best? Large groups of people and even the champions of the people, being ruled by their passions, beliefs, customs, traditions and sentemental standpoints, fall prey to Party dissention (4). This hinders any kind of agreement even when based upon a perfectly logical and reasonable (5, Keyoto) point. Therefore, Every resolution of a group depends upon chance or stacked majority, If the stacked majority is your pawn, then any kind of ridiculous proposition can and will be passed to plant the seeds of anarchy. The political and the moral have nothing in common with each other. And the ruler who is governed by the moral is not a skilled politician, and as such is unstable on their throne. Those who wish to rule must resort to both cunning and make-believe to hold on to their power. Commendable human traits such as straightforwardness and honesty are also vices in politics, these will bring a ruler down faster and more effectivly than the most powerful enemy. Such weakening attributes are only fit to be taught to the masses. Our right lies in force. There is no right anyway, it is only and abstract concept. Meaning no more than Give me what I want so I can prove I am stronger than you. Where does right begin. Where does it end........ Our power which, in comparison to all other forms of power now crumbling will be greater than any other. For it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained the strength that nothing can undermine it. Out of this tempory evil we now commit will emerge the good of an unshakable rule. A rule that will restore the regualr mechanics of society. The end justifys the means. So let us not look at what is just and right, but at what is necessary and useful. What I show you now is THE plan in which is laid down the path we must follow without straying, or we risk seeing the work of many centuries bought to nothing. In order to show you satisfactory forms of action it is necessary to remember the slyness, stupidity and instability of the mob, its lack of ability to understand and respect the conditions of its own life or its own welfare. It must be understood that the might of the mob is a blind, senseless, reasonless force always at the mercy of sugestions from either side. The blind cannot lead the blind without bringing them into the abyss. As such; the upstarts amoungst the people even if they are a genius for their wisdom, who do not understand the political cannot come forward as leaders of the mob without bringing a whole nation to ruin. Only one trained from childhood for independent rule can have an understanding of the words that can be made out of the political alphabet.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:08:28 +0000

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