WHAT’S THE CONDITION OF YOUR SOUL? The Question We Should All - TopicsExpress


WHAT’S THE CONDITION OF YOUR SOUL? The Question We Should All Ask Ourselves Whether you are a not a Christian or you are a Christian, one thing that people on both of these sides must ask themselves is “What’s The Condition Of My Soul? Whether you are a Christian believer, a make-believer or a non-believer the fact of the matter is that you have a soul. Atheists can say “there is no God” all they want to, but that will not change the fact that they have a soul and that one day they will have to give an answer for that soul and what they did with it. A self proclaimed Christian will also have to give an answer for the way they treated their soul whether it was treated in a good way or a bad way. How Are You As An Individual Human Being Made Up We as human beings are made up of three parts, Body, Spirit, and Soul. Let’s break down each part: BODY: This is the part of you that contacts this physical world. Your body is made up of 5 senses which are Hear, Touch, See, Smell, and Taste. We need all 5 of these senses to contact the world around us. This is the main part of the body that we see everyday of our lives. SPIRIT: This part of the body is where the Conscience, Imaginations, Memories, Passions, and Affections are found. Love and feelings for one another is also found in the spirit. SOUL: Lastly and most importantly is the soul. This part of your body is only governed by two laws Faith or Unbelief. This is the part that either belongs to God or it doesn’t. With the soul, is where you either believe God’s Word and accept it in your life or reject it and refuse to follow it. So What Does God Want From You And For Your Soul God Wants You To Believe His Word. 1. You can believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, be baptized in his Name, and live a Christian life: with the reward of eternal life and friendship with God. 2. Or, you can deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, refuse to be baptized in his Name, and disobey God’s commandments: with the reward of judgment. So What Does God Want From You? He only wants you to believe. Regardless of whether you believe or not, you will fulfill the Word of the Lord, for some are prophesied to eternal life, and some are prophesied to come into judgment. If you believe, He will take care of the rest. He will handle your problems, fears, and guide your life with peace and assurance, and reward you with Eternal Life. The Bible says in (John 1:12) – As many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: The Bible also states in (Hebrews 11:6) – But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. My friend, whether you are a sinner who has never experienced the freedom for your soul in Christ Jesus, you have the opportunity to experience that freedom today. If you are a Christian, but you are not where you should be in your walk with Christ no matter what the circumstances in your life are, you too can experience freedom for your soul. — More to know? Pastor:-isaiah Mothi, Bethlehem full gospel ministries, ShankerPalli, India. E-mail:-isaiahmothi@gmail, Cell-09000652625, 08341395390
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:34:51 +0000

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