WHEN COUNSEL IS NEEDED (THE ADVENTIST HOME BY E.G.White Chapter 10 pg 72,73) Matured Judgment of Parents Should Be Valued: Shall children consult only their own desires and inclinations irrespective of the advice and judgment of their parents? Some seem never to bestow a thought upon their parents wishes or preferences, nor to regard their matured judgment. Selfishnes has closed the door of thier hearts to filial affection. The minds of the young need to be aroused in regards to this matter. The fifth commandment is the only commandent to which is annexed a promise, but it is held lightly and is even positively ignored by the lovers claim. Slighting a mothers love, dishonoring a fathers care are sins that stand registered against many youth. One of the greatest errors connected with this subject is that the young and inexperienced must not have their affections disturbed, that there must be no interference in their love expereince. If there ever was a subject that needed to be viewed from every standpoint, it is this. The aid of the experience of others and a calm, careful weighing of the matter on both sides are positively essential. It is a subject that is treated altogether too lightly by the great majority of people. Take God and your God-fearing parents into your counsel, young friends. Pray over the matter.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:27:25 +0000

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