WHEN YOU PRAISE, HEAVEN RESPONDS WITH OPEN ARMS. THIS IS MY TESTIMONY I AM A LIVING WITNESS. My only work/duty since i gave my life to Christ (again) has been to stay in my room all day long praying, studying the word and most importantly praising and thanking God. Most people (esp. My relatives) always wonder, what is wrong with this girl?, why is she always shouting?. One of my uncles even called me last saturday, i thought that he wanted to discuss something important with me. But guess what he asked me?, Amaka, why have you been shouting since morning?, my brain just did ting-tong, i managed to answer him, how?, He said, DONT YOU KNOW THAT THIS YOUR SINGING IS SHOUTING. Just imagine! Lol! I am a student but i eat far more than many workers. You work and work and work, you dont even thank God for the fact that you can even go to work. There are people on crutches today. See! I am a student, i dont work. Sometimes, i dont even have #1 on me but God has taught me to trust Him. He has never failed me for once. God provides ALL my needs I have quite a lot of things that should be called challenges or problems but i wont dwell on them. Why? Because they are victories in disguise. You can never be a victor till you have a challenge. It is your challenge that makes you a victor. I DONT KNOW, I DONT CARE TO KNOW WHAT YOUR PROBLEM IS, WHAT THAT CHALLENGE IS, WHAT THAT WAHALA OR STRUGGLE IS. I DONT ONLY CARE ABOUT IT, I DONT EVEN WANT TO DISCUSS IT, I DONT WISH TO THINK ABOUT IT WITH THE PRECIOUS TIME IM USING TO PRAISE GOD. Why? Because the devil (as stupid, useless and as confused as he is) wants me to do that and i cant because i am not his subject. He wants me to dwell on the bad things that hes causing and forget about the good things God has done, the evils that God has shielded me from. He wants me to forget what i know but i will not because I KNOW THAT THERE IS A GOD WHO IS FAR GREATER THAN THAT YOUR PROBLEM, I KNOW THAT GOD IS ABLE TO DO EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL YOU COULD EVER ASK OR THINK, I KNOW THAT GOD IS A GOD THAT CALLS THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS IF THEY ARE (Rom. 4:17, Gen. 1:1). Okay! Ive told you my own. Let me tell you what God said about Abraham, And being not weak in faith, he CONSIDERED NOT (he did not even think about it, he did not waste his time on the thought that) his own body (that was) now DEAD (imagine! his body was dead but that was not his concern), when HE WAS ABOUT HUNDRED YEARS OLD (Can you wait for God for up to a hundred years? Are you not a son or daughter of Abraham? You say Abrahams blessings are yours but what of his patience, what of his faith? Is that also yours? See! God is not a joker, Hes a businessman. You want Abrahams blessings but you dont want his faith? Who are you deceiving? Yourself or God? I know its not God because youre too small to deceive God)..... Im reading from Rom. 4:19(KJV) which went ahead to say, .....neither yet THE DEADNESS OF SARAHS WOMB (AH! Lord please have mercy on us. Bible says Abraham did not even consider, think about, deliberate on the FACT that Sarah was barren at 100yrs. Jeez!). Verse 20. says He staggered not at the promise (despite all those things that the devil wanted him to consider in verse 19, he did not consider it and he did not forget the promise) of God through unbelief (but what did he do?): but was STRONG IN FAITH (doing what else?), GIVING GLORY TO GOD. Please put your hands on your chest and decree with me :- ABRAHAMS FAITH AND PATIENCE IS MINE. I WILL NOT ANYMORE WASTE MY TIME DISCUSSING, CONSIDERING OR DELIBERATING MY SEEMINGLY FACTUAL CHALLENGES. I WILL NEVER STAGGER OR DISBELIEVE GODS PROMISE AGAIN INSTEAD I WILL USE ALL OF MY TIME TO GIVE GLORY TO GOD, TO PRAISE HIM AND TO THANK HIM BECAUSE I AM FULLY PERSUADED THAT, WHAT HE HAS PROMISED, HE IS ABLE TO PERFORM according to Rom. 4:21. ALL THESE I KNOW AND DECREE BY THE AUTHORITY IN JESUS NAME. THANK YOU MOST HIGH GOD, THANK YOU JESUS MY SAVIOR, THANK YOU PRECIOUS HOLYSPIRIT. In Jesus Name. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:05:28 +0000

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