WHEN YOU’D SWEAR IT’S OVER! When Lamech had lived 182 - TopicsExpress


WHEN YOU’D SWEAR IT’S OVER! When Lamech had lived 182 years, he fathered a son and called his name Noah. Genesis 5:28-29 At four different points in my life, I’ve faced utter hopelessness. It appeared at each that life was simply over. Too much wrong. Too much tragedy. Too much evidence that a resurrection of any kind was impossible. I swore it was the end. It is an awful thing for a human being to witness the degeneration of anything. A marriage, a child’s future, someone’s health, failing business. All self-efforts to save can amount to nothing. The end seems inevitable. And if one witnesses this slow death over a long period, God can appear powerless as His seeming absence reinforces the lie that He’s not going to do anything to rescue. God is never out of options. Never. God is never stewing, wondering how He will pull off a resurrection. Never. God never withholds to be cruel. Never. God’s plan is never made at the last minute, in haste. Never. The birth of Noah is proof of God’s faithfulness. When the world was sinking into evil and lawlessness, how would God’s promise to Adam and Eve ever be fulfilled? How would a Savior arise out of a world that God was going to destroy? Certainly, it appeared that God was nullifying what He had guaranteed back in the Garden. If we had lived in the days of Noah, watching evil reign on the earth, we would have doubted the ancient whispers of a God who spoke to our forefathers. In some cave or primitive dwelling place, a baby was born. He was named Noah. The meaning of this baby’s name was “comfort.” God brought a baby to the scene, not a Red Sea deliverance. God brought a nine-pound bundle of joy instead of a spirit of repentance to the whole of society. God’s plan of redemption was ushered in without fanfare and the power of this tiny life would not be seen for hundreds of years. Yet, God’s saving plan was in place. God is never inactive. Never. God is working on my behalf. Always. When I can’t conceive of a salvation to all that is wrong, He’s already planned it. When I’m looking for an earthquake to prove His power, He often brings the answer in a baby’s cry. In every place someone is fainting today, let them declare that You are the God of beginnings. Amen. Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:03:14 +0000

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