WHERE ARE THE BROKEN HEARTS? In the sermon on the mound Jesus - TopicsExpress


WHERE ARE THE BROKEN HEARTS? In the sermon on the mound Jesus said in Luke 4:18a: The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, because He hath appointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance unto the captives….. While His primary purpose was to shed His blood for our sins and save us from hell if we repent and receive Him and trust in Him alone, he also cared about the broken hearted. Why aren’t His saints doing the same? It seems the broken hearted are being neglected and ignored by the church. In 1993, Gary Chapman, ex-husband of Amy Grant, wrote and sang a song Where are the Broken Hearts which is about the people who are hurting and the need for the saints to minister unto them, comfort and encourage them. The chorus states: Everyone has a call to answer/Everyone has a heart to save/Every player here has a part to play/Look around for the time is passing/Don’t you think that it’s time that we’re asking/Where are the broken hearts today? There are so many people who are going through tough times, many with broken hearts. At a church I attended years ago, those that were hurting were neglected and ignored. I was in the early part of the crisis that I am still experiencing. Ultimately I had lost my family, house, basically everything. I was hurting and had nobody to turn to, even family didn’t understand my pain. I had very little help, no healing for my broken heart. The people in that church were too busy sending missionaries and doing ‘church work’. Not that there’s anything wrong with missionary work, which is not, but many people like myself who are hurting and going through rough times are ignored and left to the wolves to be devoured. There they become prey for Loserfer and his devils and the traps he has laid, whether it be false religions or other things. That’s how Christians are lured into one of Loserfer’s false religions. His ministers, disguised as sheep, pretend to care for those that are hurting and broken hearted, ensnaring them into his heinous trap. Loserfer often tells those that are hurting and alone ‘You’re worthless! You’re a nobody! Nobody loves you or cares about you! God doesn’t really love you! You’re not special at all! You’re dog dung!’ He convinces them that suicide is the answer because ‘nobody will miss you when you die! The fact nobody comes around proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt! There’s your proof right there! You’re a nobody in their eyes! Nobody comes around or wants to be around you!’ That’s why so many hurting people commit suicide because ‘loved ones’ show they don’t love or care about them. The apathy of the church is also to blame. They become so busy with their own lives or too busy doing ‘the work of the Lord’ that they refuse to help those who are hurting: going through emotional or financial difficulties, divorce, death, being used and mistreated. Not every Christian is like that, but unfortunately, too many professing Christians turn a deaf ear and harden their hearts toward the hurting. When someone is hurting they would say ‘it’ll be fine’ or ‘Jesus loves you’ and turn and walk away without listening and spend time to encourage them. It’s like telling a hungry person ‘go ahead and eat’ and not giving anything to eat for that person or when there’s nothing there. What hypocrisy! We’ve become no better than the Nicolaitans! Jesus said in Matthew 25:45: Insomuch as ye did it not to the least of these, ye did it not unto me. He mentions that in verses 42 and 43 I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. He talked about those in the situation He was describing. If ye did it not to the least of these, ye did it not to me. While Jesus cared for the broken hearted, it seems many of His saints just ignore them! Do we please God or Loserfer when we ignore the broken hearted and those who need a shoulder to lean on? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the answer, In the 80’s, Steve Camp wrote and sang a song with a powerful message. He talks about hurting souls and how they are ignored. The chorus says Don’t tell them Jesus loves them/Till you’re ready to love them too/Till your heart breaks from the sorrow/And the pain they’re going through/With a life full of compassion/May we do what we must do/But don’t tell them Jesus loves them/Till you’re ready to love them too. The late Keith Green in his 1978 album No Compromise deals with the same thing in his song Asleep in the Light which talks about the church’s apathy and complacency dealing with the lost and the broken hearted. How can you be so numb/Not to care if they come/You close your eyes and pretend the job’s done. In a later verse: He sends people to your door/But you turn them away/As you smile and you say/’God bless you, be at peace.’/And all of heaven just weeps/Jesus came to your door/But you left Him out in the street. The message in the song is just as powerful today as it was back in 1978 when it was written and recorded, rebuking the church of their apathy and unwillingness to help those in need and who are hurting. Jesus never turned His back on those that were sick or hurting. Why are His saints doing just that? While we are telling those that are hurting ‘it’ll be all right’ and walking away without another word or staying to comfort them, God is grieved by this act of hypocrisy. Why are those that are called by His name being so cold-hearted and apathetic? No wonder people are disvcouraged from and unwilling to come to Christ. By our hypocrisy we are pushing people away from Calvary and from Christ. However, we are not perfect. Jesus Christ is. But that doesn’t excuse us from our neglect and apathy. We will have to give account of our actions before the judgment seat of Christ. Remember the catchphrase What would Jesus do? Unfortunately for some, it has become nothing more than a catchphrase and a fad rather than a legitimate question we as His saints should be asking ourselves. Remember that when you come across a person in desperate need of a friend, needing encouragement and a shoulder to cry on, a person who is hurting and in need of healing for their broken heart. The answer should be obvious: He would encourage and heal them. Why aren’t His saints following His example? Who are we pleasing when we ignore and turn our backs on them, Jesus or Loserfer? The answer should be obvious. Please don’t forget the broken hearted and those that are hurting. Remember what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 25. He said in verse 40: Insomuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye do it unto me. In verse 45 as previously stated He said that if you do it not unto the least of these you do it not unto Him. When He talked about how He was thirsty or hungry or sick or in prison He talked about those who were in those situations and hat as a person did it unto them they did it unto Him and if we do it not unto them they did it not unto Him. The scriptures are clear! Ministering to those that are sick, hurting, in pain, in prison, etc., it is also the work of the Lord. Yes, it is important to ‘preach the gospel to every creature’ and to ‘teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost’, but don’t forget: our Lord Jesus Christ also ministered unto the broken hearted. Should not we His saints do the same? What would Jesus do? The answer should be obvious.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:06:13 +0000

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