WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? This country has gone through some - TopicsExpress


WHERE DID WE GO WRONG? This country has gone through some changes in the past 4 decades that have seen free enterprise change to private enterprise and now to a controlled enterprise, under an economic state. Our government is no longer representing the people but has become a corporation. For laws to be made they have to go through parliament to be voted on, right? No they don’t there are branches of government that do not have to go through parliament at all. They can right a law into the books and presto it is law. Only criminal law goes through parliament and we the Canadians have no option but to live with corporate decisions for new laws. Fisheries and oceans, Department of environment, lands and forest all make laws, Canadian food inspection agency, customs Canada more law makers with no civil input just what they feel is best, or what ever costs the cheapest for them. That’s right department costs is a big factor for laws against Canadians, I have experienced this first hand from Canadian Food Inspection Agency, In a fisheries meeting that I set on. Now lets step back and understand that fisheries and oceans is a conservation department they are there to protect the resource, that is their only duty. I purposed that they allow home shucking of clams be reinstated, this would lesson the stress on the clam stalks as harvesters would not need to dig mass amounts and smaller shell size to make a living. I was flat out refused by CFIA on the grounds that they could not hire extra inspectors to insure quality clams. They can’t afford it so they made a law to ban it? Yes that’s what they done, although all clams are still inspected at the plants where they must be sold. Weather they are shucked or not. Remember clam harvesters are not allowed to sell there wares to restaurants for resale, restaurants have to by their shell fish from processors. Funny scallop fisheries don’t have this restriction they shuck there shell fish in un-inspected areas. So that’s one law from CFIA that directly impacts DFO’s conservation practices. This is destroying an industry. But I won’t harp on that very much it is what it is. Where did we go wrong? Transferable quotas, this is a real problem that has plagued our fisheries. This has turned into not a conservation practice but a Profiteering scam. This is nothing more than a legalized money grab, shameful at its best. Not only has it stolen the Property away from Canadians but it is destroyed entire fleets and communities. Where once 100’s of boats fish now only a few do, and the ones that bought up the entire quota are the ones sitting on the boards doling it out. Here is the problem, it’s a closed fishery now, even if you do get a license you can’t have quota unless you buy it at a inflated price. Even the ones that own the quota force their workers to pay inflated prices to catch it for them. No capital gains no tax what so ever. It’s an expense that they never endure; their workers pay for it and the owners get tax right offs. Unbelievable and what is sad is that the people allow this, because it is a conservation law. A law that allows legalized profiteering this is a disgrace. I wrote to the government the response was: owners would lose millions if we changed it. Hmmmmmmm profiteering is illegal since when did we protect criminals? Do we say that about drug lords? They stand to lose millions when they are ousted. Enough said on that. Where did we go wrong? This is the same all over the country, not just in the fisheries but forestry, mining, oil and gas, as well as farming and any other resource you can think of. Everything has been Frozen from individuals, and then giving to corporations to devour. Police are being shot more violent crime is on the rise. Wake up people, a civil dispute is coming. People are going without so a few can have it all. I see no happy ending here unless we can equalize this mess we call a country. WHERE DID WE GO WRONG?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:52:48 +0000

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