WHERE DO I BEGIN?? Well, Ill start off with **Always BELIEVE - TopicsExpress


WHERE DO I BEGIN?? Well, Ill start off with **Always BELIEVE because miracles happen!!** Today I had the honor of meeting 2 of the most amazing people ever! I was overcome with emotion at the outpouring of love, compassion, support and generosity of Cheyanne & Chip Lake. These wonderful folks have opened their arms and embraced myself and our cause to help the homeless in such a big way that I could never adequately express my appreciation. You are a God send! from the bottom of my heart, thank you!! :-) I am truly blessed. After that mind-blowing meeting I was on cloud 9 and decided to head over to the see the homeless Veterans with gift bags in hand, I think I must have been glowing because they were so happy to see me and welcomed my presence. I handed out gallon bags stuffed with toiletry items and also provided them with new socks and gloves (Need to get more gloves as I didnt have enough to go around). Life has been extremely difficult for each one there and I was so happy we could bring a little joy their way. After I left there I spoke with the Deputy Chief of Police in Dorchester County and am so excited to share this news with you! Back in November I shared a story about a police officer who was working on Thanksgiving Day and gave me a bag stuffed full of Baby formula, a blanket and baby clothes for a homeless couple with an infant. Officer Brooks Barlow was nominated for Officer of the Quarter and because of our story and another persons experience, HE WON!!! Congratulations Officer Barlow, you represent the department with honor and valor and your service to the community is greatly appreciated! I just got home after a full day of running and am looking at all of the wonderful messages, thanks to all of you for writing and I look forward to reading/responding to each of you, I appreciate your patience and understanding and will reply to you just as quickly as my fingers can type. :-) Thank you :-) These are the photos I took today of a few of the homeless Veterans, it really saddens my heart to see such despair in their eyes. Although many may look physically well bodied, they have deep wounds that are not visible to the naked eye. Many of our nations heroes suffer in silence, unless you have experienced the living nightmares which they have, it is very difficult for the rest of us to comprehend the trauma that they relive on a daily basis. Please keep these brave soldiers in your prayers for healing, both physically and spiritually. God bless you all!! (thanks to all our awesome HtH folks who contributed all these toiletries to such a worthy cause!)
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 01:29:13 +0000

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