WHERE IS INDIA HEADING TO : TO ALL MY FRIENDS IN FB - This post of mine is brief, though there are many more on this could be written, the post would be lengthy and I have chose to make it brief. The reason why I have drafted and posted this is for the benefit of the readers. None can deny India is at a cross Roads now, and many fear that the democratic values of India may be under threat in the forthcoming elections. Though I don’t subscribe in full that India may turn Fascist – Rightist as democratic values in India are well rooted and there exists institutions which can thwart any such move, there exists a lurking or even a strong doubt among many of my fellow countrymen. Now that we are going to the polls, I thought it is important for me to define in a snapshot what are the hallmarks of a democracy and what is the concept of Fascist – Rightism. And I would only appeal to readers to go through it and exercise your franchise keeping in mind the ideologies below. This is only a post of suggestion and in no way I am influencing your right to chose or vote for the party which you opine fit. ==================================================== This Post covers the Concept of DEMOCRACY and FASCIST – RIGHTISM A brief Definition of Democracy: Democracy can be defined by referring to its major components such as the existence democratic institutions and the liberal civic and political rights and the right of people to have their rights , and the inherent checks in the system such as the legislature, judiciary and executive In a Democracy : 1) There are fair and institutionalized elections and it is a government of the people , by the people and for the people 2) The Presence of self-initiated and a strong opposition 3) The existence of a Autonomous and Strong multi-party system, 4) Freedom of expression, rights and duties of both the citizens and the state are clearly laid down constitutionally or otherwise. , 5) A Inherent check and balance and checks among the three pillars namely the legislature, judiciary and executive, 6) A Peaceful conduct of power and its transition too. 7) A Constitutional and legal system that guarantees equality before law and the rule of law prevails 8) Religious Equality and tolerance, gender equality in opportunities 10 ) Absence of a Class System or the presence of a elite society 11) Abolishment of Feudalism and all forms of systems which clash with the rule of codified law Definition of Fascist – Rightism Many a doctrines in Political Science is intertwined with terms that are usually used to describe this concept. Terms such as tyranny, despotism, absolutism, dictatorship, monocracy, autocracy, oligarchy, authoritarianism and totalitarianism are used to describe Fascist – Rightism, but in reality the best authors of these concepts have opined that the other concepts do not exactly match with Fascist – Rightism and it is true, the distinction among them is indeed very thin,. In a Fascist – Rightism : (1) An official ideology directed to perfectionism which is required for mobilization of masses. It may be a populist agenda, a frenzy wave or a phobic concept (2) A single mass party led by an individual, and who controls the state apparatus, (3) Well assisted by a hard core loyalists, who exercise substantial influence in the affairs of the state. (4) A monopoly over the means of mass communication which is used for their mass mobilization and propaganda purposes (5) The systematic application of terror through the Police and law enforcement apparatus to crush any opposition. (6) The discretion of the state to have a centralized economy, with the state having a right to dispense with a free market economy. (7) The right to freedom of religious practice of those religions which are not considered as the state to be in line with its ideologies. (8) Equality before law could be suspended or dispensed, and the pillars of the government namely the judiciary, the executive and the legislature are subjugated to the executive (9) Labour movements are brutally suppressed and capitalism is strictly controlled by the state to its dictates, whims and fancies. -==================================================== Once again I mention that this post is not to be construed as that of a influencing nature, the best choice is left to the voter, and I have only explained the concepts. Comments and Criticisms are always welcome
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:59:59 +0000

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