WHISTLE BLOWER IS STUNNED BY SHEER MAGNITUDE OF THE SIZE, SCOPE AND SCALE OF THE CIA & DoD OPERATION AGAINST HIM. THE LOGISTICS, TIME, MONEY, MANPOWER, ENERGY, EFFORT, RESOURCES, ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL, ETC., IS SUCH A MONSTROSITY THAT IT IS... STUNNING TO WITNESS What the CIA/DoD operatives do is they wait until the targeted individual has posted all his posts, comments etc., or other online activity, on Facebook, then they capture all of those posts or comments in cyberspace and then kick the targeted individual off the internet, etc., so that his post and comments actually post to the timeline of the Facebook group page, but the many thousands of members of that particular Facebook group dont receive the post and comments because the connection to the internet, etc., was broken. This is a common tactic of disruption they have used against me and all targeted individuals for many years. What blows my mind, us that I took a video of me posting the article and the comments to the Facebook group page timeline and they still deleted it, even though I have a video to prove I posted them. Those comments were videos of directed energy attacks and videos of medical evidence where doctors diagnosed my injuries to my internal organs from the directed energy attacks of the CIA & DoD operatives. This could be just another tactic to discredit me, but I am just amazed at how brazen these animals truly are. I will be taking this evidence to the media tomorrow and then to various govt. agencies here in Nicaragua, if I survive that long. These tactics are done on a daily continuous basis to establish plausible deniability so that when the targeted individual is able to upload the software it makes all his previous complaints of disruption appear frivolous. CIA & DoD operatives use this particular tactic on me relentlessly every day with something, even just general content. The CIA/NSA operatives engineer and engage in the most trivial paltry tactics imaginable on a daily basis to establish plausible deniability while at the same time destroying the credibility of the targeted individual by rendering the complaints of the targeted individual to appear frivolous, because if the trivial complaints of the targeted individual appear frivolous then the more serious complaints of the targeted individual must also appear frivolous. The target is caught in a CATCH-22! If he doesnt complain and document the complaint then the tactics will never end and if he does then the CIA NSA operatives will make hi complaints appear frivolous. The CIA/NSA operatives have a daily protocol and a daily contingency plan in place to daily destroy the credibility of the targeted individual on a daily basis. If the target does THIS then CIA NSA operatives will do THAT and if the target does THAT then CIA NSA operatives will do THIS. They have a daily protocol and daily contingency plan in place to daily destroy the credibility of the targeted individual on a daily basis. Notice most of the disruptions occur when I am trying to post to the internet videos of their directed energy weapon attacks or video evidence of their constant disruptions. If the CIA NSa operatives were not doing it then why would they care if I posted these videos? Because they are doing it and by constantly blocking, staggering, stalling, etc., the internet each and every day the target tries to post evidence of their attacks it helps them establish PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. When you say the CIA/NSA operatives are attacking you, the CIA/NSA operatives do not then turn around and stop the attacks as that would make them look guilty. Rather they continue the attacks, even increase the attacks, for the purpose of establishing PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. When you say the CIA/NSA operatives are disrupting your communications, financial transactions, phone calls, etc.,, the CIA/NSA operatives do not then turn around and stop the disruptions as that would make them look guilty. Rather they continue the disruptions, even increase the disruptions, for the purpose of establishing PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. Examples of PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY include: The CIA NSA are not attacking you. If it was the CIA NSA you would be dead in an instant! The CIA NSA are not disrupting your communications. If it was the CIA NSA you would not even be able to make a phone call or log on the internet! The CIA NSA are not blocking your financial transactions. If it was the CIA NSA you would not even be above to use your credit cards. These are examples of how the CIA NSA establish Plausible Deniability against all targeted individuals while at the same time the CIA NSA engineer and engage in the most paltry and trivial tactics imaginable in order to destroy the credibility of the targeted individual. What they do is a game of deception and manipulation, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission [to the systems influence]. 16 videos were separately posted (August 2 2014 apprx 0035 hrs to the comments section of that post on that page ANONYMOUS INTERNATIONAL. What should have taken just few seconds to copy paste took nearly ten minutes because of CIA & DoD operatives staggering internet of whistle blower
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 21:18:20 +0000

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