WHITE PEOPLE “BLAND” SAYS KARL STEFANOVIC AS THE NATIONAL GUILT CONVOY ROLLS ON FOLLOWING SBS’S SHAME-‘EM-AND-REDEEM-‘EM ANTI-WHITE SERIES ‘‘FIRST CONTACT’ (Contributed) TAX-PAYER funded diversity propaganda channel SBS has been slugging it out with the dumb beast of White Australian bigotry since its inception. Lately it’s been battering the colonial Anglo-Celtic-origin settlers through the dodgy vehicle of reality TV. In what are anything but real situations, it pits the supposed ignorance of the Anglo-Celtic demographic — represented through a group of regular White Australians (who might in fact be simply white Euros without any or little Anglo-Celtic ancestry!) — against the calm enlightenment of the selflessly enduring ‘New Australian’ (who is usually now a non-European). These carefully selected pigeons are then taken on a “journey” that sees them confront their innate prejudices through a series of stark encounters. The payoff for the diversity crowd is when they inevitably collapse weeping for forgiveness and pleading for redemption at the empathetic feet of the morally superior non-Whites they had so “misunderstood”. We have had to culturally-and-racially re-educate us such series’ as Go Back Where You Came From, Living With The Enemy, and the latest First Contact – if we cared to watch. But as Karl Stefanovic has proven, even if we chose not to tune in for our dose of racially-skewered shaming, we’ll hear those views anyway. But before we take Karl to the mat for some ideological judo, let’s “unpack” the innate one-sidedness of this SBS bilge, starting with First Contact. In this three-episode series hosted by the egregious Ray Martin (who disappeared at every turn when it looked like he might have to rough it with the bogans) six participants were interviewed on their thoughts about Aboriginal people. They were then taken to meet, and share time with these objects of derision. One of these, Sandy, 41, described as a “mother of five” from a blend of White European backgrounds and married to a “Maori” wisely quit the show. For her crime of refusing to be cleansed, and despite her having the courage to face the show in the first instance, the media have harangued her. The social-media kangaroo-court of the Twittershphere has also had every well-programmed social justice warrior condemning her. Meanwhile, Bo-dene, one of the contestants who did perform the correct act of contrition, returned home to find her marriage over. Yet, from the very network attempting to beat into our skulls that Australia is “diverse” and that White people are no longer the possessors of this nation, there wasn’t one face that wasn’t Anglo-Celtic. Not one Chinese person was present, and yet we have Chinese interests wanting to buy up Redfern to build high rise apartments for the masses of students (read, our replacements) swarming here; not one African, yet they’re regularly involved in territorial fighting with Aborigines, especially in WA; not one Maori (and judging by Sandy’s other half, there’s one who obviously can’t have a high opinion of indigenous folk); no Koreans; no Lebanese (yet they have been known to tussle it out for control of prison populations); nobody but us White folk who can only ever be racist. They didn’t even, for accuracy sake, have one Brit represented. Moreover, yet again they stooped to the typical con of selecting the most TV-friendly Aboriginal representatives they could find to shame our dumb travellers and their supportive viewers. Yet again, the situations were all controlled, whereby any negative stereotype could be turned back against the Anglo-Celtic Aussies, they being proxies for the wider national dialogue. And so in rows daffy Karl on his inflatable raft filled with hot air, to have his say on the SBS subsidiary channel National Indigenous Television (NITV). There he joined the discussion and prostrated himself to the higher judgement of the diversity commissars by proclaiming, “I think that fundamentally white people are pretty bland. They’re pretty beige and the more difference you have in colour, in accent, in race, in humour, in belief — I think the richer you are.” So there you have it: people of colour good, White people bad. Of course, he’s not all nonsense. He makes a fair point when he says, “For too long I believe white people have been trying to stop the problems of indigenous Australians and they have no idea how to do it. “We don’t know what it’s like or what it must be like to live as an indigenous Australian… so butt out.” So if we’re to “butt out”, as Kooky Karl rightly says, why are we being conditioned to believe that White Australia HAS no culture and that indigenous culture is sacred… so sacred that even WE must venerate it? During the week, 3000 school kids were bussed into Sydney to march down Macquarie Street in the Garung Parade, as part of the Corroboree festival. They waved waratahs and kept their teachers happy by subsuming themselves in another race’s pride through a made-up celebration based on Aboriginal activism of the past. Hetti Perkins, wife of the late Aboriginal activist Charles Perkins told media, “This is what Australia’s future should be about, all of us coming together to celebrate the world’s oldest continuous cultural tradition.” Dunno, Hetti, perhaps the kids were just glad to get out of the classroom.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:56:51 +0000

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