WHO IS REALLY FUNDING THIS IMMIGRATION SCAM? A very interesting scenario has been revealed about many of the so-called refugees and their resources. It was reported in the media in 2011 that the average wage of an Afghan public servant was around $75 per month. It was also reported that Indonesian people smugglers charged around $5000 to $10,000 per person to bring them to Australia. So by the time an airfare from Kabul to Jakarta, accommodation and living expenses in Jakarta are taken into account, an Afghan would really need about $15,000 to embark on being smuggled into Australia. Simple arithmetic shows that after living expenses are deducted from that Afghans monthly salary, even if he could save $30 per month, which is highly unlikely, it would take him over 40 years to save that $15,000 - unless he was making far more in some sort of illegitimate activity. This is equivalent to an average Australian wage earner earning $1000 per week saving $2 million, something that very few average Australians manage to do. Therefore it is logical to assume that these Afghan illegal immigrants were being funded by others. Investigations by Australian authorities have determined that these bogus refugees were certainly not wealthy people, so who paid the huge sums for them to be taken by air from the Middle East, through a number of countries where they needed to be accommodated, fed and supported until they were taken onto boats in Indonesia to be smuggled to Australia? IS THIS THE REAL REASON? What might be the real reason why Muslim illegal immigrants travel from the Middle East and Asia through predominantly Muslim safe havens and totally bypass them in their efforts to live in Australia, a Judeo-Christian society. There are a myriad of Muslim nations in very close proximity to Iraq and Afghanistan where these so-called refugees could have found safe haven among their Muslim brethren, eating the food that they were accustomed to and speaking the same language, following the same religion and living under Islamic law, as so many of them have expressed the desire to do in Australia. These Islamic or predominantly Islamic nations are in the vicinity of Afghanistan and Iraq, from where most of the bogus boatpeople come: Algeria Bahrain Egypt Eritrea Ethiopia Iran Iraq Jordan Kazakhstan Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Libya Morocco Oman Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria Tajikistan Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Yemen Even when these bogus Islamic asylum-seekers get to Indonesia, why dont they stay there, having already been granted entry and residence? Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim nation and those people from Afghanistan and Iraq should feel far more comfortable among their Muslim compatriots, rather than pay a lot of money to be smuggled into the land of the Infidel, Australia? So why then did these people shun their own Muslim brothers in all those Islamic safe havens nearby and travel halfway across the planet to illegally immigrate to a secular Judeo-Christian nation that is as foreign to them as Mars? It makes absolutely no sense at all, until more information is analysed. Only then, a logical but extremely worrying explanation for this action will emerge.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:48:57 +0000

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