WHO NEEDS A JOB? (RHECTORICAL QUESTION) SERIES 2 DREAM JOB! (My Reflection- A must Read For Every Graduating Student). Graduates from the universities for the most part leave school with one goal in mind. “Get a well paid job and start – off a life”. Is life is entirely dependent on a well paid job? Countless people look up to the government and the private sector for employment. Guess what? Getting a job, worst still a dream job upon graduation with just the right things at the right place, does not come on a platter of gold. We can no longer depend on the system we find ourselves in to solve our problems especially unemployment. There is the need to search within ourselves to discover and exploit the potentials and talents within us. There is the need to take control. There is the need to stop acting as if our entire life and destiny is dependent on a job. Speak of unemployment, If necessity so demands that people work, they will, even if it means creating a job for themselves. Njorku, Africa Jobs reports 30% of active Cameroonians are unemployed. Our parents believed so much in being employed by the government. If actually they do, what kind of orientation do we think they will end up giving a younger generation? “Upon graduation, strive for a government employment”? It is indeed, a mentality which does not yield any substantial results at the end of the day. Such a mentality has limited people and held them back. Some parents who advocate for government employment are the same people who make the government offices their home chasing pension funds with ends not favorable. Why not look at the lives of some of our civil servant parents and learn a lesson from that. Some retire without any adequate means to take care of themselves and their families after all the years of working. Depending on pension and ending up in suspense! Yet some of them still advocate for getting a government employment and job security. What a security that pays off with scarcity of support during pension. There are just two places where people find can belonging. Being in control or to be controlled! There is the need to be in control of your own destiny or give up that control to someone else or a system. If you must belong to the league of those who are in control, and yet your biggest dream is working for the government, you might just want to find out what being in control really means. As Robert T. Kiyosaki rightly puts it, “There is always a need! Does school teach and prepare us for a real world? Study hard, get a good job, and get a well paid job, should that be the real focus on educating ourselves? What about enlightening our minds, evolving, and growth and becoming a better version of ourselves? School, good grades and a good job are just part of an enlightened life. ” Do we need to take upon our civil servant parent’s mindset? Get along with the times. This is the 21st Century, live in it! People do not get rich solely because of their education. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and founded Microsoft. We need new answers. The world is changing but the educational systems seem not to be changing with it. The smart one need to play by a different set of rules. We don’t need more education; we just need a different kind of education. There is need to learn those things that are useful to us yet not taught in school. In most major economies, almost half of the economy is in the hands of entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs are game changers, impact creators and change drivers. The government cannot do without them. Why do most people look and depend totally on the government in developing countries? We can no longer trust and rely on our leaders and government to solve our problems for us. The government cannot do it alone. Some of us are now looking deep within and searching deeper within. We need to build our own bridges. The world is facing diverse array of problems which need solutions. Those solutions are within us, why do we search for them elsewhere? It’s about time we quit this self pity party in Cameroon and Africa as a whole and learn how to act, take responsibility and deal with our outcomes. It’s time to get out of that place of being complacent. Get out of stagnation! We should get more entrepreneurs coming up in Cameroon and in Africa. And women should join the trend. Personally, I have always advocated for Female Entrepreneurship something I call “Fetrepreneurship”. Our entrepreneurial generation will evolve. Success is not tied down to a steady job. Such jobs have so much control over you: time control, life and idea control and it makes it hard for impact to be made. Another issue faced is poor educational and career orientation in our school systems, parental orientation and professional/ Mentorship orientation facilities are not a common place in our communities. We are failing in educating children following different possible educational and career orientation options. There is need to expose children to the right opportunities. There is the need to deeply look into our mentorship orientation, parental orientation, educational orientation and career orientation platforms. The need of making informed choices cannot be minimized! The right opportunities are needed in taking the right path with all mental precision. The world owes you nothing! Be prepared to work, to grow, to be challenged, to learn, to make mistakes, to fail, to persist, to impact and to succeed in your game at every stage of life!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:12:48 +0000

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