WHO OWNS THIS COUNTRY ANYWAY Zambia such a beautiful and - TopicsExpress


WHO OWNS THIS COUNTRY ANYWAY Zambia such a beautiful and blessed country with great opportunities of being the richest country in southern Africa and probably the whole continent. We have abundant resources, be it mineral, water vegetation, climate, Zambia is just perfect for any form of production. I love this place. With all the great blessings we have as a nation, do we really take ownership of our country? Well, when I was a boy I always wondered why white people always did better in almost everything they did in my country and in theirs two. I always wondered why they always lived better than us, went to better schools and just had the best of everything. In my young mind I had a mission to learn why their lives were very different from ours. In my quest to learn why white people lived better than most black people in my own country I discovered a few truths about life and the principles that govern success. One of the truths is ownership. White people would take every thing they do very personal as if life depended on it. Having worked with them for a little while I noticed how dedicated they were towards everything, be it volunteer work or work work. We would often tease them on how they would take everything too personal, we also made up stories how they work like that because they had shares in the company. Truth be told I discovered they were just employees like me. I told myself that those in some form of employment could give it their all because they have a lot to lose since they are not citizens. Well in farming I compared my black and white Zambian clients , and it was disaster. Most black farmers I did interact with were not comparable to their white counterparts because knowledge, in terms of farming, was a serious challenge. Most white farmers knew almost everything google could offer about their type of farming and in all honesty its some good data, so when visiting their farms I needed to have my textbook info on my fingertips to make a mark. With my black Zambians, I didnt even need to shine because they knew so little or nothing at all. The white farmer had a sense of ownership on their business and it did pay off. We can talk about event organization. Why do their meetings or events start and end on time? Why does everything just fall into place so perfectly? Because everyone involved takes ownership and nobody wants to be the guy that finds everything done. What am I trying to say? 1. How much do we know about our country? 2. How personal do we take everything that we do (besides voting). 3. Those in the civil service do we work like your boss (the people of Zambia) are watching you, 4. How accountable are we to our country. 5. Those in the diaspora, how much are we contributing to the country? 5. Do we really have a sense of ownership of this country since we carry the green NRC, and if we do, lets act and live like it.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:48:55 +0000

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