WHY IS THE PRESIDENT SILENT? THE PRESIDENT MUST SPEAK ON VVIP COCAINGATE! Fellow Ghanaians, I am more than a little concerned that since the VVIP Cocaingate bust involving Ruby Adu Gyamfi broke out, the President of our Republic, H.E. President John Dramani Mahama has personally not said a word about it. Just a few, short months ago, I think it was in July, the President came out to make a statement regarding the potential shortage of cement in the country, appealing to Ghanaians to ignore what he termed as rumours. In fact, the President has been busy, and vocal, on the brouhaha in Burkina Faso. It is mind-boggling, however, that the high-octane, drama-filled VVIP Cocaingate has been simmering for a few days now without a single word from our President. VVIP Cocaingate, which began initially as online whispers, with attendant murmurings and accusations of Government complicity and attempted cover-up, has taken on a frightening life of its own, spread like wildfire, grown into a full-scale international scandal with diplomatic implications, and dominated the headlines. Yet, our President has not deigned to even clear his throat to even begin to speak. VVIP Cocaingate has all the elements of a major national and international crisis. We have seen a consistent, inexplicable ferocious pushback from Government and allied communicators, as if they have a vested interest in the suspect arrested at Heathrow Airport. Not to be bested, the National Security apparatus swung into action, again inexplicably, and in the process, detaining incommunicado for several hours the MD of CitiFm, Mr. Samuel Attah-Mensah. This clearly shows that VVIP Cocaingate carries far more weight than the ordinary cement which the President was so eager to speak to. Yet, again, the President has maintained a stony silence! This is a worrying state of affairs. What is leading to this seeming inertia? Why arent people involved in airport security being arrested and questioned? Why is the President not leading the charge? This is not only a national security issue. It involves our international reputation. Mr. President, your silence on VVIP Cocaingate is too loud. We need to hear you speak Mr. President.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 06:52:04 +0000

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