WHY NO ONE IS INTERESTED IN READING BOOKS OR LISTENING TO CDS-ALBUMS ANYMORE. By Pete Berwick What happens to many people online is that they get continual dopamine hits. We get a high from learning something new and another one from novelty. So if you keep reading new ... new ... new ... different ... different ... different ... every few seconds, youre like a rat in a behaviorist experiment constantly pressing a button to get treats. And the Internet has made many of us into those rats. Most in-depth books dont work that way. They have to lay a slow groundwork before they really start to pay off. If youre used to constant dopamine hits, you may no longer have the patience for slow, in-depth learning. I find that even people who buy my books, which I am most grateful for, will tell me they havent even begun reading them a year later. Being an old-school artist is like pissing in the wind in this current age of collective ADD, but whether or not one more person ever reads another word of any of my novels, I will continue to write them. Yes, people have become incredibly lazy when it comes to reading actual books anymore, or for that matter, listening to an album from beginning to end, for such an endeavor requires patience, thought, commitment, and thinking, and once one becomes used to the instant and constant dopamine rushes that the parade of photos and videos and endless inanities that a site such as facebook unleashes 24-7, the reprogramed brain resists and fights against the reading of books, or the 30-40 minutes of attention required to fully appreciate an entire album, and even when attempted, it rebels after a few pages, or a couple of songs, as it battles the withdraw symptoms of the quick, instant, countless, and cheap fixes that the online landfill provides.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:13:36 +0000

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