WHY SAN JUAN, OUR EMPLOYER? José Castellani In addition to - TopicsExpress


WHY SAN JUAN, OUR EMPLOYER? José Castellani In addition to turning around its axis, the Earth moves in space with a translational motion around the Sun, when describing an ellipse, according to Keplers laws. To an observer on Earth, yet, it is as if fixed and the Sun were moving around it, following a path which, as already seen, is called ecliptic. In its motion around the Sun, Earth, describing an ellipse, will be nearest or furthest from the orb of light. The next point more --- --- 147 million kilometers at perihelion; and the farthest --- --- 152 million kilometers at aphelion. If the Earth, in its translational movement, revolve about a vertical axis relative to the plane of its orbit, receive different illumination regions provided about the same angle and would always constant temperature in each. But as the axis is tilted relative to its orbit, this inclination makes solar rays impinge on the Earth following a different angle, varying with each passing day. And so are happening stations Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. As the planes of Earth Ecuador and the ecliptic not match, having an inclination relative to each other, 23 degrees and 27 minutes, they are cut along a line that touches the ecliptic at two points: they are the equinoxes. The Sun, in its apparent orbit crosses these points, from a celestial hemisphere to the other; the passage from south to north, marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere; the passage of the North to the South, marks the beginning of Otonho in Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Those are the equinoxes of Spring and Autumn. On the other hand, in the moments when the sun has its greatest angular distance from the Earth Ecuador, that is, when given the maximum value of its decline, the solstices occur. The two solstices occur on June 21 and December 21; first date marks the passage of the Sun through the first point of the Tropic of Cancer, while the second is the passage of the Sun through the first point of the Tropic of Capricorn. In the first case, the Sun is at aphelion and summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere; in the second, the Sun is at perihelion and winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Therefore, the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere, occurs when the Sun is in position more boreal (northern), while the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter in the Hemisphere North, occurs when the Sun is at its southernmost position (South). By inheritance from members of trade organizations, which traditionally accustomed to commemorate the solstices, the practice came à modern Masonry, but already seasoned by the influence of the Church on the operating corporations. As the dates of the two solstices are June 21 and December 21, very close to the commemorative dates San Juan Bautista mingled with these, between operational, reaching today. Today, the installation of the Grand-Masters of Lodges and Masters Venerable Lodges are held on June 24, or a well early date and you can not forget that the first Masonic Obedience world, as was seen was founded in 1717, on the day of San Juan Bautista. Thanks to that, many corporations, although there were a patron saint for each of these groups Professionals, end up taking the two San Juanes as Patrons, sending the custom to modern Masonry, where they exist, following most of Rites, Lodges San Juan, who open their works to the Glory of the Great Architect of the Universe (God) and in honor of San Juan, our patron, encompassing, at that time the two saints. In the Masonic Temple, solsticias these dates are represented by a symbol, which is the Circulo between Parallel Vertical and Tangential. This means that the Sun does not transpose the Tropics, or suggesting, the Masons, the religious consequence of man is inviolable, parallel represent the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and the two San Juan. Traditionally, through the notion of narrow gate, such as difficulty of admission, Mason evokes solsticias doors, narrow means of access to knowledge, symbolized in the cosmic circle, the circle of life, in the zodiac, the axis Capricorn-Cancer and Capricorn corresponds to the winter solstice and Cancer the summer (in the Northern Hemisphere, with its investment in the Southern Hemisphere). The door corresponds to the beginning, or the ideal starting point on the elliptical our planet, in the Gregorian calendar and also in some Pre-Columbian, within the Sidereal itinerary .. Primitive man distinguished the difference between two times, one of cold and heat, a concept that initially served as a basis for organizing agricultural work. Thanks to that is that the solar cults emerged as the Sun --- being proclaimed as a source of heat and light --- or King of heaven is the ruler of the world, with a marked influence on all subsequent religions and beliefs humanity. And since the time of ancient civilizations, man imagined the Solstices as opposed openings of heaven, doors, where the sun was in and out, to finish his course in each tropical circle. The epitome of this concept in the Roman pantheon, was the God Janus, god represented as biphasic, with its pendulum motion between the tropics, as its name shows that implication, since it derives from janua, a Latin word which means door. Therefore, he was also known as Janitur, or porter, being represented as a set of keys in his hand, as guardian of the gates of heaven. Later that allegory would pass through the Christian lore, San Pedro, but without any relation to the solstices. Janus was a two-headed god with two symmetrically opposing sides, meaning symbolized the tradition of observing, one side constantly for the past and the other to the future .. The Caesars of imperial Rome in their celebrations and to provide income to the Sun in the two celestial hemispheres, put in front of the god Janus, to chair all early initiation, by attributing the keeper of the keys. Traditionally, both the Eastern world, and for the western, northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere), is crossed by mortal souls door and is therefore called the Gate of Men, while Capricorn solstice, or recognition, alluding to San Juan Evangelista (Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere), and the door crossed by the immortal souls and therefore, called gate of the Gods. To the ancient Egyptians, solstice Cancer (Gate of Men) was dedicated to the god Anubis; the ancient Greeks consecrated to the god Hermes. Anubis and Hermes were, in the mythology of these people in charge of leading souls to unearthly world. The importance of this representation solsticias doors can be found with the help of Christian symbolism, then, for a Mason, festivals of the solstices are, in the final analysis, the festival of San Juan Bautista and San Juan Evangelista. There are two San Juan and there is no obvious relationship with the Roman god Janus and its two faces: the future and the past, the future must be built in light of the past. On a symbolic vision, the two meet at a time of transition, to a great cosmic year and the beginning of a new one, which marks the birth of Jesus, one announces his coming and the other spreads his word. It was the similarity between the words Janus and Juanes (João - Juan, which in Hebrew is Ieho-Hannam = grace of God) which facilitated the exchange of Janus pagan by Christian John, in order to remove a pagan traditions, who clashed with Christianity. And it was in this way that the two San Juan were associated with the solstices and preside solsticias parties. Continuing, thus duality principle of life: in front of Cancer, Capricorn; in front of the longest days of summer, shorter days of winter; front of San Juan Winter, with darkness, Capricorn is the Gate of God, and San Juan Summer, with light, Cancer and the Gate of Men (worth remembering that, for the Masons, symbolically, geographical conditions are provided, the North hemisphere). Within that same symbolic vision, we can consider the configuration of the constellation Cancer. Its two main stars are named after broil (Latin Asellus, i = diminutive of Asinus, ie: ass, donkey). In the Jewish tradition, the two stars are calling Haiot Nakodish, ie animals of holiness, appointed by the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph and Beth, for the donkey and the ox. Before them, a small cluster of stars called in Latin, Praesepe, meaning manger, corral, barn, and, in French, is crèche, also meaning manger, stable, crib. That word creche and was even incorporated into Latin languages, meaning local where new babies are welcome, temporarily. This symbolism gives meaning to material observation: Jesus was born on December 25, in the sign of Capricorn during the winter solstice, being placed in a manger-cradle between a donkey and an ox. That date of birth, still, is purely symbolic. For the early Christians, Jesus born in July, in the sign of Cancer, when the days are longer in the northern hemisphere. In the Christian sense, on the symbolic level, addressed, then, just the Gate of Men and thus only have an understanding of Jesus as being as man. But Jesus is the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Christ according to Christian theology --- --- and the other pole, necessarily understandable duality. Meanwhile two elements of materiality and one religious, would come to influence the determination of the date of December 25. The material refers to the habits and customs of the early Christians and the religious aspect, the ancient Persian Mithraism, adopted by Rome: The early Christians of the Roman Empire, to escape persecution, created the habit of celebrating the birth of Jesus during festivals dedicated to the god Bacchus, when the Romans occupied with feasting and carousing, were left in peace. But the Mithraic origin which seems more plausible to explain this totally fictitious date: Mithraism adepts used to meet on the night of 24 to dawn on December 25, the longest and coldest of the year, in a festival called - - in Roman Mithraism --- of Natalis Solis Invicti (triumphant birth of the Sun). Throughout the cold night, making offerings and desires were calling for the return of light and heat of the sun, assimilated to the god Mithras. Christianity, to mark that date for the birth of Jesus, I identify with the light of the world, the light that comes after prolonged darkness. PUBLISHED BY THE COSMOXENUS Abiff / S THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2005
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 06:04:04 +0000

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