WHY SEALING IS SUBJECT TO ABIDING TO GODS MORAL LAW:AN EXPOSITION OF ISAIAH 8:16! Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the testimony;seal up the law among my disciples A correct understanding of this verse is cardinal!Those who love lawlessnesshave accused us,they have accused the SDAs of being legalist in our commentary on this verse.The majority of Sunday keeping brethren have produced all sorts of commentaries which caresses the sinners ego, leaving the sinner in a false sense of security!Implying that you can disobey one of his commandments do as you please and still be saved!What a lie!What a deception!These men have refuted the clear evidence that sealing involves Ten commandmentkeeping through his grace.Yes!The Moral law.The law of liberty(James 2:12).The law that converts us(Psalms 19:7)That makes us wise(Psalms 19:)The law that is holy perfect and righteous(Romans 7:12) The fourth commandment is ONE of them.Infact it is at the heart of it all.The fourth commandment identifies WHO seals!His authority,his area of jurisdiction,(his territory),name and title.Without these elements the call to BIND up and SEAL is rendered void.Why?Because there is no authority,no jurisdiction,no indentfication of the callers name and his title.Anyone can issue this call.Your president,me,you...but the question will be:What authority do they have?And if they have,where is their area of jurisdiction?What title do they have?Yet beautifully,we see the fourth commandment has the SEAL from a certain GOD that is distinct!He seperates himself by the weight of the evidence of his entitlement!HOW?A seal need to have these:NAME,TITLE,TERRITORY so forth.A SEAl authenticates a document or item on which it is stamped or placed!Jezebel,inorder to kill Naboth,needed a document of some sort which could validate the claims contained therein.And so she wrote the letters and the seal of AHAB as KING validated it and the perpetrators obeyed the instructions to kill NABOTH.The fourth commandment has all the elements of identification.For in six days the Lord God created the heavens and earth...(Exodus 20:8--.).LORD GOD(Jehovah)--Name);CREATED(Creator)---(Title);HEAVEN and EARTH---(TERRITORY or jurisdiction).Who places the seal?God!Through his law!(I will put my laws in their hearts)Jeremiah 31:33).This is why this same seal is called:The SEAL OF THE LIVING GODNot the seal of man or a dead god!(Revelation 7:2). So we see that these are not the words(Isaiah 8:16) of the prophet, as many think, but of the Lord to the prophet, and are part of that instruction given him, ( Isaiah 8:11 ) . By the testimony is meant the word of prophecy delivered to him; particularly that evangelical part of it respecting Immanuel, who was to be born of a virgin, and would be for a sanctuary to them that believe in him, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, to unbelievers; so the Gospel is called the testimony of Christ, it bearing witness of his person, office, and grace, ( 2 Timothy 1:8 ) and binding denotes care of it, as something valuable, that it be not lost, but committed to the trust faithful men, called disciples of Christ in the next clause, in allusion to the binding up of money, or anything of value, in bundles, to be laid up and preserved, ( Genesis 42:35 ). ``O prophet, keep the testimony: seal the law among my disciples:Which disciples?Those that are disciplined after Christs teaching and apply all that which he taught(1 John 2:4).Those who have the testimony of Jesus Christ!(Rev 12:17)In other words their life istestify to the true Gospel of Christ and they uphold the prophetic spirit in the last days---they preach the 3 Angels message of his impending return!.NOTE:The sealing is done AMONG HIS DISCIPLESnot the world. The disciples of Christ, the faithful of that day, and of after times, to whom this prophecy, and the doctrine in it, which the word law signifies, even the doctrine of Christ, should be transmitted or communicated, which is meant by sealing of it; not hiding it from them, but signifying, that while it was a sealed book, a hidden doctrine, and delivered in parables to others, it should be made known to them, and sealed and laid up by them among their treasure, and be so esteemed of; as the Gospel, the doctrine of grace, is, by the true disciples and followers of Christ; who are such as are taught of God, have learned of the Father, who continue in the word and doctrine of Christ, love his people, take up the cross and follow him, and bring forth fruit to the glory of his heavenly Father, ( John 6:45 ) ( 8:31 ) ( 13:35 ) ( 15:8 ) ( Luke 14:27 ) .Revelation 7 typifies those thatMEET the stipulation!Sealing as a word therefore signifies Settling in the Truth.The truth from God who identifies us as his own by virtue of us receiving his LAW through faith and grace!CONCLUSION:If the foundations be destroyed what will the righteous do?PSALMS 11:3?Yet in contrast :PROVERBS 11:3 says:The integrity of the upright shall guide them:but the perverseness of the transgressors shall destroy themBrethren!my submission is that every true christian must seek to be at peace with GODs law before they can think of being SEALED.The latter rain will not fall on the impernitent!Those who disregard the fourth commandment are disregarding their eternal life.One who breaks one command breaks them all(James 2:10).Isaiah 8:16 is about God and his faithful.It is about names written in the book of life!In Isaiah 8:20,GOD shows us how to identify false disciples:TO the LAW and Testimony...if they do not speak according to this,it is because there is no light in them.Which light?Jesus!(Iam the light of the world)John 8:11-12.The light that shineth in darknessJohn1:5..Let us ready ourselves.I ask again:IF THE FOUNDATION BE DESTROYED,WHAT WILL THE RIGHTEOUS DO? Psalms 11:3.The answer is for us to hold onto the pillar of our faith in these troublous times.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:56:04 +0000

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