WHY STUDY AND WORK IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? More international students study in the U.S. than any other country, and for good reason. Whilst the world s top institutions all reside in the U.S., there are also more than 4,000 other world-class universities offering a top-notch education that can lead to career success. The U.S. remains the source of most of the world s ground-breaking developments in technology, business, arts, and beyond. Below are just some of the reasons that students choose the U.S.: QUALITY Quality Unique Curriculum One of the reasons students at U.S. universities are so successful upon graduation is because they were educated in the liberal arts. This means a focus not just on a specific major, but on other subjects such as various maths and sciences, philosophy, history, literature and many other seemingly unrelated fields. Because of this, U.S. undergraduate programs tend to be four years in length. Most U.S. graduate programs require 12 years of secondary schooling plus four years of undergraduate education for admission. The benefit of liberal arts is that it prepares you for more than just your immediate career plan. It helps make you a smarter, more thoughtful, more successful person, able to succeed in a job in your major or thrive in some other field. You might become a manager, start your own business, or accomplish anything else that interests you. It provides limitless possibilities upon graduation. INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION AND REPUTATION U.S. universities rate well on international rankings, but the highest placed or most well-known institutions aren t always the best for all students. It s the U.S. system that is so high quality, not individual institutions that means enrolling in any university, even one you may not have previously heard of, will deliver successful results and carry great prestige. For example, the College of Wooster has an independent research program ranked second only to Princeton University. When evaluating universities, think about the few you may have heard of, and then consider that the United States Department of Education (USDE) and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognizes more than 19,500 US higher education programs as accredited and of a high quality. Within that large number is a program perfect for any student s abilities and goals. EMPLOYMENT PROSPECTS International students in the U.S. can work in a job on campus up to 20 hours a week. Most find that their time is better spent taking internships, or Curricular Practical Training, which allows students to work for university credit in a job in a related field. Nearly every university, even those not located in big cities, has employees dedicated to helping students secure internships. All U.S. universities also offer numerous extra-curricular activities that provide real-world job experience. This could include writing for the school newspaper, participating in science fairs, joining the local market club, and much more. The idea is to give you practical experience to hone what you learn in class. This becomes invaluable when interviewing for a job. Another option that appeals to many students is to broaden their study experience through semester or summer-long study abroad and exchange programs, offered by most universities as well as outside study abroad providers. Following graduation, students in the USA on an F-1 visa can apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT), which allows them to work in their chosen field for 12-24 months after completing their studies. Some companies may even sponsor one of these students for a H1-B Temporary Worker Visa, allowing them to continue living in the country as long as they work for that company. Most US institutions have a career services department staffed with professionals focused on helping students with their CV, teaching job interview skills and helping them find job opportunities. LIFESTYLES U.S. universities place great significance on diversity, meaning classes will consist of students of all ages, religions and countries of origin. This provides a stimulating and rich learning environment which encourages cross-cultural understanding and networking. Most classes will contain no more than 20 students and the professors will take the time to get to know students and their strengths and will usually be willing to spend time outside of class to help improve any weaknesses or work on any difficulties. There is also always a very active social life on U.S. campuses, with many clubs and organisations students can join that will help further career opportunities and allow interaction with students who have similar tastes and interests. Thanks to the sheer size of the United States and the large number of institutions, there is a perfect fit for each type of student. Huge, sprawling campuses that feel like cities, and small, intimate campuses that feel like a collection of close friends. Tropical islands, arid deserts, snowy plains; the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Manhattan. In the U.S., there is truly something for everyone and every type of learner. SAFETY Most people you meet in the United States are friendly and helpful. College campuses tend to be very safe, even when located in urban areas. U.S. universities place a great deal of emphasis on the safety of their students. Small universities have campus security guards on staff and larger institutions often have their own police force. As in any country, a few simple precautions will help safeguard you and your property. WORKING WHILE STUDYING IN U.S.A. Getting a USA Work Visa as an International Student If you want to get a USA work visa as an international student, you will be eligible for an F1 Visa, J1 Student Visa, or an M1 Student Visa. About the F1 Student Visa The F1 Visa is granted to international students who are attending an academic program at an accredited college or university in the United States. You will need to maintain full-time student status in order to qualify for this visa, and you are allowed to stay in the U.S. for up to 60 days after graduation from your degree program. As an F1 visa holder, you are allowed to work 20 hours or less per week at a job on campus, and must report your working hours to your university on a regular basis. You are also eligible to complete practical training in your field of study for 12 months after graduation. About the J1 Student Visa:- The J1 Student Visa is granted to students who need to acquire practical training in a field that is unavailable in their home country. They must find a sponsor who can provide them with the training, and they can enter the United States through the Exchange Visitor Program. If you are granted this visa, you will need to work with your employer to go through the sponsorship process. About the M1 Student Visa:- The M-1 Visa does not permit you to work in the USA, but does allow you to enter the country legally and pursue an education. M-1 visas are granted to individuals attending a technical or vocational program, and you will need to provide proof that you can support yourself without having to work in the USA. FOR MORE INFO PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE: studyandworkabroadnow.webs paiec.webs
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 03:03:44 +0000

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