WHY THE PERSECUTION NOW?GAWAT WHEREABOUT UNKNOWN,NOW USTADH JUMAH WAS KIDNAPPED WITHOUT ANY REASON,WHICH COUNTRY ARE WE NOW THAT DISCRIMINATES UNJUSTLY An Islamic cleric, AbdulGani Jumah, and his expectant wife, Muinat, who were ‘abducted’ in their home 65 days ago have been found in the cell of the Department of State Services (DSS), Abeokuta, Ogun State. The couple were held at the detention cell of the Secret Police’s Headquarters, t Ogun State Command, Abeokuta, since first week of July, until their relatives and lawyers traced them to the place yesterday. The couple who lived at 27, Fagbemi Street, Ijoko, Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area, were declared missing last July when they were taken away at 3:am to an unknown destination. A family source told reporters that a principal witness, Lukman Oketokun, got a call last Tuesday, telling him to go to the DSS’ Abeokuta Headquarters and see the deputy director Operations at 10am yesterday. The source added that Oketokun met with the deputy director, who eventually released Muinat. Muinat, who spoke with reporters after her release, said DSS operatives did not tell them their offence. She said: “They released me and still detained my husband without telling us what our offence is. “They only gave me a letter from a gynaecologist, who advised me to proceed to the hospital for delivery.” The couple’s counsel, Musodiq Sanni, said legal action would be initiated against the DSS for violation of human rights. Sanni said: “What the law says is that once someone is arrested he must be charged to court within 24 hours. But, they did not let them know their offence, they detained them for 60 days, it is against the law. “We have located the couple, we will ensure the cleric is released and the violation of rights would be challenged.” thenationonlineng.net/new/missing-cleric-expectant-wife-found-in-dss-cell/
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:10:59 +0000

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