WHY WE NEED GREAT OVODJE OGBORU Delta, my Delta, our Delta.The - TopicsExpress


WHY WE NEED GREAT OVODJE OGBORU Delta, my Delta, our Delta.The big heart is stuck in mud.We cannot boast of decent road devoid of potholes and craters. Public schools are a deteriorating while our hospitals are in shambles while other essential amenities are devastated by neglect.Cooruption are worn like an ornament and while loots are flaunt like a medal. Bad still we are swarmed by ethnic differences and discrimination a symbol of primitive society. We lay hopelessly in the grip of these swan of greed and egoistical politicians; State allocation meant for infrastructural development and wellbeing of the masses ends up in private pockets of the so-called leaders, developing their stomach infrastructure while the hard working, suffering, struggling, less privileged deltans are scratching their heads in consternation and have always being the sacrificial lamb as same self-ambition politician entice the poor and helpless masses with peanut from the stolen state resources inciting and igniting same oppressed and unsuspecting masses especially the youths into political thuggery,while their children are enjoying part of the loot in one of the world popular cities. The Big question is: Who and what is responsible for delta protracted, satanic, wicked and inhumane underdevelopment? ----we have always had the wrong people in authority over us: election and re-election of unscrupulous politician. The day the right people began to lead us; delta will be so transformed beyond human imagination. In view of this let’s continue to mobilise ourselves for the task of electing good and credible leaders; leaders who are competent and patriotic. We needs radical and transformational change and I believe the time has come for us to introduce a paradigm shift from what we are currently having; time to rescue the state from infrastructural decay, resuscitate our dying educational sector, poor health care system etc. The present and past government has demonstrated both in its body language, ideology and explicit actions a disgusting lack of will and competent to arrest our plight in delta.It is fascinating to watch same politician come up with solution to problems that are indirect or direct result of their previous agendas and solutions .The most efficient thing for us to do is to repeal their previous solution and stopped them from creating new agenda or solution in the future. Deceitfully,they are currently pledging allegiance to our principle, our yearning, but we should not be foolish enough to pledge our allegiance to a gang of thieves-same group, same ideology, and same cronies. I however pray that God in his infinite mercies would open our inner and outer eyes to see the evil that had been perpetuated on deltans for the past 15 years by same group of individual and for us to be able to distinguish a true God sent agent of change and the incarnate of the past 15 years It is foolhardy to continue to follow the same pathway of same party, same ideology same group of people that subjected us into this pathetic state of developmental quagmire and expect neither meaningful nor transformative policies. A system that has refuses to nourish its people despites the huge resources at its disposal. It is therefore imperative that we explore an alternative pathway of different group of sound minded individual, different political ideology to liberate us and bring our people into crucial developmental equation. Fortunately we have a great man of pleasant disposition;GREAT OVODJE OGBORU,a born leader endowed with a master plan that will profits all deltans.A non-ethnic bigot whose approach to governance is all inclusive, a visionary leader that will empowers the youths and women and provide enabling environment to harness great potentials that are currently been wasted. A humble man of his words, God fearing, and a ready to work leader with determination to lift deltans out of poverty into prosperity- Great Ovodje Ogboru of LABOUR PARTY. He is committed to infrastructural development, sustainable industrial and technological development in the state. He is selfless, reasonable and more compassionate and neither a cronies nor proxy of cankerworm called the delta looting cabal. In this regard, we seek an informed electorate who will vote in leaders based on proven records of integrity and accountability with genuine desire to liberate deltans. A leader based on proven personality and neutrality not on the ground of ethnic compassion.Great Ovodje Ogboru is a seasoned politician that has the courage and competence, free from the influence of looting cabals to effectively direct the state affairs as well as promoting unity among deltans. Note herein that it is a truism that if Deltans should folds their hand to wait for its development to be delivered by this same cabal in the name of zoning or ethnic sympathy, Deltans will sure pay a dear price of stunted development and catastrophic standard of living if not abject poverty for the next eight years or more. Deltans Let’s take control of our destiny If we do not change our direction, we may end up where we are heading-catastrophic standard of living. What we call our destiny is truly our character a character of blind followership and that character can be altered. The knowledge that we are responsible for our actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging, because it also means that we are free to change this destiny. We are not in bondage to the past; all this can be altered if we have the courage to examine how it formed us. We can alter the chemistry provided we have the courage to dissect the elements and bear in mind that destiny is not a matter of chance; but a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for. It is a thing to be achieved. The future is in our hands. We are not hapless bystanders. We can influence whether we have an environment of peace, social justice, equity, infrastructural development and economic growth or an environment of unbridgeable differences between peoples, wasted resources, corruption, draconic looting and terror. Remember that you are needed. There is at least one important work to be done that will not be done unless you do it. YOUR VOTE. Cast your vote wisely, vote for true change,vote for GREAT OVODJE OGBORU of LABOUR PARTY for the LIBERATION OF DELTANS.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 19:17:05 +0000

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