WINTER FAMILY TO FAMILY NEWSLETTER 2013 Box 37, 9100 Mambajao Camiguin Prov., Philippines Tel. (63) (88) 387-10-77 E-mail: family.1975@yahoo Dear Friends, In the past couple of months there have been two devastating natural disasters in the Philippines. Neither of them has seriously affected the island of Camiguin, where we do our work with children. The island of Bohol which is clearly visible from our island and only about 4 hours by motorized out-rigger canoe from us had a 7.2 magnitude earthquake and major destruction. Though Camiguin had many jarring aftershocks, there was no real damage. And at Tacloban, Leyte, just about 150 miles North of Camiguin, the eye of super typhoon Haiyan, (named Yolanda in the Philippines) passed with winds that most buildings could not withstand and a storm surge that flooded almost every building and drowned thousands. Many other islands in the central region of the Philippines also had severe damage and storm surge. Camiguin had some winds and the electric was knocked out for awhile, but, again, there was no major damage. The loss of life and the near total destruction of cities and small seaside barrios is both shocking and heartbreaking. We are grateful that the International community is stepping forward. We hope and pray that the most urgent needs: water, food, medical care and shelter will reach those in need before there is more loss of life. The people of Camiguin have been busy packing donated bottled water, canned food and used clothing for the people of the central Visayan islands. And I heard today that those donations will be picked up by a C-130 that will land at our small airport in Mambajao and be flown right to the disaster areas. A number of people have contacted asking how they might send help. I would suggest cash donations to UNICEF, Catholic Charities, the World Food Program, World Vision, or Christian Aid. Most if, not all of these agencies are already on the ground. SCHOOL SPONSORSHIP The school supply deliveries have continued each month despite very rainy weather. Our manager and nurse headed out on November 11, 2013 to deliver again in the rain. This was actually during the passing of a weak tropical storm which came through a few days after Typhoon Haiyan. It wasnt a strong storm, so Jesse and Lea didnt think it would be a problem. However, when they headed up the mountain above Mambajao to the Itum Elementary school, they encountered fog. They reached the school and were happy to see the teachers were there, but not many of the students had come to class. In the fog, the children could have gotten lost and fallen into ravines or creeks.. On the way back down, they had zero visibility according to Lea. A bit dicey when you have a rock wall on one side and a drop off of hundreds of feet on the other side. HANDICAPPED We have helped 6 new children with eyeglasses. Three were in the Itum school in Kinder and Grade 1 and had been referred by their teachers. Two of them have strabismus (crossed eyes) and may need surgery if the glasses dont correct the turning of their eyes. When Lea and I went to check on them at the school, one of the mothers told us that her sister had a three year old son who was very short and who had started walking quite late. Whenever I hear very short, my heart sinks. We told her to have the sister and child meet us at the hospital the next day. When we saw them there, my fears came true. Ramonito had the classic look of a child with congenital hypothyroidism. He hadnt had newborn screening because he was born at home even higher up the mountain from the school. And the family had no money for the test. The doctor ordered thyroid function blood work and we also paid for newborn screening for his the one month old sibling. A week later the results confirmed the diagnosis and Ramonito started thyroid medication. (the one month old baby’s result was normal). After two months of treatment, Ramonito has grown eight centimeters (about three and a quarter inches.)! And though he had seldom smiled or talked and just stood or sat where you placed him most of the time, he was now full of smiles, talking a lot and hopped right onto the tricycle at our office. His mother and grandmother were both amazed at the change. He now goes over to the grandmothers nearby house on his own and chats with her. He will need to be monitored as he grows and will need to take medication for the rest of his life. We have warned the mother that even though he has improved, he will almost certainly be a slow learner in school. But we hope to help him continue his education as long as possible. Carmel John finally had surgery to remove the cystic hygroma (congenital mass of lymph tissue) from his axila and upper chest in September, The doctors thought they had gotten all of it. But a few weeks later, a mass reappeared and began growing again. He was scheduled for more surgery. But then he was sick with a cold. Surgery was postponed. Last week he was healthy and had been cleared for anesthesia, but they had no vacant beds at the surgical ward. We hope he will have his surgery this week. Five year old Rothels parents came asking for help. She had an inguinal hernia, which is rather uncommon in girls. We provided the surgical sutures and medicines so she could have the surgery done at the hospital in Mambajao. She was very anxious to go back to school, but Lea told her she has to rest for awhile. At this time of year, we would like to share with you this quote of Sigrid Undset: And when we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans - and all that lives and move upon them. He has given us all green things and everything that blossom bears fruit - and all that we quarrel about and all that we have misused - and to save us from our foolishness, from all our sins, He came down to earth and gave us Himself. Grace and peace, Diane Palmeri Contributions are IRS tax deductible (ID#42-1087l04) and eligible for matching by employers. They should be payable to Family to Family, Inc. If in U.S.$, they should be sent to: Family to Family, Inc.,c/o Carroll County State Bank, 126 W. 6th St., Carroll, Iowa 51401-2341. Packages, letters and peso checks should all be sent directly to Diane Palmeri at the Camiguin address.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:30:52 +0000

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