WISDOM VERSUS STUPIDITY TO ANALYSE ISSUES. The inconsistencies - TopicsExpress


WISDOM VERSUS STUPIDITY TO ANALYSE ISSUES. The inconsistencies in the ZWD reporting on President Satas holiday: What is the agenda? From the very beginning, it is imperative to note that President Satas handlers are incompetent people who knows nothing about how to handle the affairs of a head of State. The immaturity that has characterized press statements compounded by failure to clearly inform the nation activities surrounding the President is demeaning to both the presidency as an institution and the economy of the country as a whole. However, my aim of writing this article is to question some of the claims speculating on the media on how the President left the country on the purported working holiday. Let me admit that in the absence of truth or information, people are bound to speculate and thereby create rumors which may not necessarily be true. 1. On 29th May 2014, the ZWD wrote an article dubbed HOW MMEMBE AND KABIMBA WILL REPLACE SATA in which it revealed that President Sata was going to be evacuated for medical attention and the cartel would ask Finance Minister to accompany Mr. Sata to the hospital so that Winter Kabimba can remain as acting President. WHAT IS TRUTH ABOUT THIS? The President left the country and Wynter Kabimba was left as acting President but Chikwanda didnt accompany the President as earlier envisaged. WHAT IS NOT TRUE ABOUT ZWD CLAIMS That the Minister of Finance was dilly dallying on the hospital bill for the President because it was very high and that is how Wynter Kabimba spoke to the Chinese Ambassador who spoke to his Vice President to help. WHY IS THIS A LIE? The Presidents day to day expenses are budgeted for under Cabinet Office and the signatory to that account is a Permanent Secretary in-charge of Administration who reports directly to either the President himself or the Secretary to the Cabinet. Besides, the Office of the President Special Division has money which they get directly from Bank of Zambia for such operations. All that would be required is for the Director General to instruct the Director of Finance to make money available. Moreover, there is collaboration among the intelligence community in the world hence the Director General of the OP can simply call his Israel counterpart for a favour in case of need and money to be wired later. That is what former DG Regis Phiri did when President Sata was evacuated to South Africa following a heart attack in 2007. WHO IS BEHIND THIS FALSEHOOD AND WHAT IS THEIR INTENTIONS? I suspect the Presidents trip was planned way ahead and GC got wind of wind and came up with that story to send panic in the camp of their against Wynter. The idea is to create an impression to people that these guys are influential when they are not. What they failed to realized is the fact that Satas decision to leave Wynter as acting President is a political strategy typical of his ability to be always ahead of everyone without them realizing so. By virtue of acting as President, Wynter is on guard 24/7 meaning all his agents and plans will be exposed. At the same time, he wont be moving across the country positioning himself but rather the Sata team is going round creating political capital for the desired successor. Why not ask yourselves why George Chellah was left behind and why he is hiding? If he is claiming to be in Israel can he make a telephone call to anyone to confirm that he is out? 2. MULTIPLE STORIES ON HOW THE PRESIDENT LEFT THE COUNTRY. The ZWD informed us that the President left with a Chopper to Dubai thereafter he was going to take a commercial flight to UK as Zambian planes are not allowed in the European airspace. After some bloggers pointed out that a Chopper has no capacity to reach Dubai, the edited their script and wrote that the Presidential challenger was used instead. Thereafter, two conflicting statements were issued that the Chopper diverted to South Africa on its way to Dubai and another story that he was actually brought back to Zambia and was hiding at State House. GOVERNMENT ANNOUNCEMENT When Government announced that President Sata was in Israel on a working holiday at the invitation of that countrys out going Prime Minister, the ZWD went on motion to look for activities of the Prime Ministers of Israel just to show that the Zambian Government was not telling the truth. Consequently, they reported that the Prime Minister of Israel was heading to Washington to be honoured by President Obama therefore he was not the one who invited President Sata. For them, the fact that the Prime Minister of Israel was leaving for the US the same weak meant the Zambia Government lied. But in this information age can a sane Government claim to be invited by a Prime Minister of a country with the best intelligence system in the world? When the Minister of Foreign Affairs confirmed that President Sata was invited by his Countrys Prime Minister, they did not publicize that information but rather went to claim that President Sata was in Israel for medical attention. For me this brings to mind the following questions: - If President Sata is going to be in Israel for three weeks or month as we are being told, what stops the Prime Minister of Israel from taking four days to visit the US? - Did the ZWD establish when the Prime Minister of Israel was supposed to see President Sata for them to public that mocking facebook post by Sakwiba Sikota that our President Satas host was belittling him by leaving the country few hours after our Presidents arrival? What if President Sata left way before his scheduled meeting with the Prime Minister? Or is President Sata supposed to be with the Prime Minister all the time? 3. THE OBSESSION WITH PRESIDENT SATAS HEALTH The ZWDs concern with President Satas health has moved from a stage of concern to an obsession. And if UPND thinks they are going to ride on Satas failing health to gain political capital then they are headed for a disaster. When President Mwanawasa died and PF wanted to ride on that, the Zambian people gave MMD a compassionate vote under a leader who was little known then in our country. If UPND is a party worthy its salty, it should get into power by candidly convincing the Zambian people to vote for it and not to use Satas health as a means to power-that wont work and it has never worked in Zambia. CONCLUSION The illusion that Sata is held captive by the cartel is the cartels own making through GC who links information to them about the Presidents decisions then claims that the cartel are behind that. When ZWD writes that Sata is under siege, their intention in to mock Sata so that he is portrayed as weak and a puppet hoping that would make Sata get ride of the cartel. What ZWD doesnt know is that it is used to create a false impression that the cartel is powerful and that makes Wynter make deals for his associates. In your attempt to fight Sata you are damaging the investment climate in Zambia which would create major problems for your leaders if he was elected in power. Worse still, going by their none tolerance to divergent views while in the opposion, it goes without saying UPND would be worse off than PF when it comes to freedom of expression when in power.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 04:30:49 +0000

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