WONDER WORLD LOOKING BACK!! Well here is another childhood memory - TopicsExpress


WONDER WORLD LOOKING BACK!! Well here is another childhood memory of mine that I think of very often me and all my brothers, sisters and cousins had a wonderful place to play behind my grandmaw Norriss house it was out in what we called the turkey pin it was a beautiful place it was about 300 hundred yards in the woods we had a long path we would walk out it would get very thick with Laurel bushes almost dark the farther you would go and when it seem like it was going to close up on you it opened up wide open they was a opening about what seem like two acres and you was looking down on a beautiful green meadow real large oak trees grape vines everywhere my daddy and two twin uncles Millard and Willard went out and built us two Hugh lean twos and covers them all around with Laurel branches boy it would hold 10 of us they had built two of them one for the boys and one for the girls boy you could live in those things and we did spend all night in them a lot of a summer we had three real good grape vines that we would swing on all day we had one hill it was nothing but clay very steep we had that thing warn slick you could take a big jump from the top and jump 30 or 40 feet straight down we would see who could jump the farthest and nobody ever got hurt I guess we was very tough we had grape vines break with us and we would be way up in the air we would play for hours and hours we had logs just laying around if we got tired we would just sit and watch the cattle down in the meadow boy we would all gather around and talk and tell each other our dreams of what we was going to do when we got big man what wonderful memories that we had back then we would return home starved to death we would go to grannies and we would eat everything in sight eat like starved dogs but that was the pretties place on earth and still is I visit back there often and just sit and think about them good old days and get the world and troubles off my mind if kids today only had a clue what playing is all about I hope you all can relate to this post and hope it wasnt to long and boring thank you for reading
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:15:31 +0000

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