WORD ALIVE … Bringing the relevance of God’s Word to our - TopicsExpress


WORD ALIVE … Bringing the relevance of God’s Word to our everyday life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POOR EYES LIMIT A MAN’S LIGHT; POOR VISION, HIS DEEDS (Vol 2; No 194) Insight and fore-sight are the two sights (that have to do with vision) that make men great. The two must go hand-in-hand in your life if you want to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for your life. FORE-SIGHT is the ability to see things before they come to pass. It is a sight that is “afore,” “above,” or “before.” It is a vision of what is not commonly seen by others. It is seeing Him who is invisible and preparing for the days ahead as if they are already here. Through foresight you peep into the future and see into things that are beyond the perception of the ordinary eyesight. INSIGHT is the inner sight or vision into the secret and principle behind a matter. It is a revelation, an unveiling of a divine recipe for greatness. It opens the eyes of your mind to the part God has ordained for you to cart. Whereas fore-sight gives you a focus and aspiration for living, insight gives you the inspiration and the wisdom for living. It is the information you glean from foresight and insight that brings about transformation which leads to inspiration that engenders aspiration. If you lack these two sights you cannot see afar off and you may not be able to act promptly on things that are excellent and most relevant for the fulfillment of God’s purpose for your life. When you lack these two sights you will be devoid of inspiration for things that are of eternal value. As a result you will settle at every little destination or “comfort zone” you have reached and count yourself an achiever but when weighed on God’s eternal scale you will be found wanting. What you see in your spirit man matters a lot because in fullness of time those things will begin to materialize in the physical. There is power in seeing! Seeing is possession! In Genesis chapter 15, God promised Abraham that his offering would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. To impress this more in His spirit man, God called him out one night and asked him to behold the stars in the sky. He told him that his descendants would be as numerous and uncountable as the stars in the sky: that if he could count their numbers it means his descendant could be counted. You can then imagine what happened as Abraham began to count. As he counted he saw each star as his offspring. And as he began to have a mental picture of this, it was so much impressed in his spirit man that he lived all his life having a vision of it. At the fullness of time what he saw materialized. For you to have a good fore-sight and insight your senses of spiritual perception have to be sharpened. Clarity of vision matters so much in your perception of kingdom matters and in the fulfillment of your divine assignment. Helen Keller (who was born blind) said, “The greatest tragedy to befall a person is to have sight but lack vision.” It is said that poor eyes limit a man’s light; poor vision, his deeds. It takes clarity of vision to walk in divine authority. You’ve got to see clearly ahead of you to know where you are going. The Bible says that only the pure in heart would see (Matthew 5:8). David prayed, “Create in me a pure heart, O God…” (Psalm 51:10 NIV). The word pure comes from the Greek word “katharos,” which means “to be clean” just like using laxative to get rid of dirt in the body. Until every spiritual contaminant and dirt is cleared from our heart with God’s spiritual laxative (God’s word) we will not have a clear vision. And where there is no vision the people perish. Jesus said, “You are clean because of the word I have spoken to you” (John 15:3 KJV). Time spent on the word of God will cleanse you by convicting you of the sins you’re aware of, and exposing the ones you’re unaware of so that you can deal with them. Only a clean heart can perceive and understand what God is saying, see the direction God is showing and follow where God is leading.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:45:10 +0000

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