WORD FOR TODAY!!! As I study the life and teachings of Jesus and - TopicsExpress


WORD FOR TODAY!!! As I study the life and teachings of Jesus and the Bible prophets, I am impressed with the fact that God Himself, and His messengers, usually came in different forms than what was expected. Jesus was not what the people had been expecting either. They anticipated a king – not a carpenter. They looked for victory over Rome – not victory over sin. They looked for a glorious destiny – not a horrible death. They looked for the exaltation of Israel above all nations – not a message that the meek will inherit the Earth. They wanted peace and prosperity – not self-denial. They claimed Abraham was their father – instead, Jesus revealed how the devil was their father. Although He chose to be a nobody in human terms (even before He was born), hardly anyone recognized Truth for what it was. Although He chose to be a common carpenter, His words and actions should have challenged the minds of religious leaders, prompting them to investigate a deeper understanding of God’s word. If Jesus walked on Earth today, I am sure the same thing would happen again today, simply because what people believe about Jesus really has little to do with His true character. When it comes to Truth, few people appreciate it for what it is. Do you really know the Master? Do you understand His ways? Do you love His truth? Would you recognize Him if He were on Earth in the form of an ordinary human being?Time to go in for the Truth.Many of us have accepted every thing we met.Many teachings,doctrines are false.Many religious teachings,false prosperity messages,false grace,etc.The problem us we dont study the bible again.Even we ministers have made the internet our sermon desk.We dont allow the Holy Spirit to be our teacher.We teach the people as we were thought.Some of us the believers have also accepted them as it is.Some will defend those teachings without a study of it with the help of the Spirit.Beloved the days are evil.Read acts 17;11..Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.Are youa BEREAN christian or THESSALONICA? I pray the truth will be revealed to you.May God open your understand.May the Lord wet your apatite for His word.In this month of July,I prophesy that the Word of God will perform miracles in your life.May God deliver you from every trap of the enemy.May you live above Sin.You will live and not die.In the next 6 month,you will see the Hand of God.Amen!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:12:58 +0000

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