WORDS CAN KILL or HEAL YOUR MARRIAGE... Whoever came up with the - TopicsExpress


WORDS CAN KILL or HEAL YOUR MARRIAGE... Whoever came up with the phrase “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” was a fool. You know as well as I do that words can hurt people severely. Sometimes when you carelessly sling words around in anger, they permanently fracture relationships, and they can do a lifetime of emotional damage. In fact, often times verbal abuse in your marriage and family can do MORE damage than physical abuse. Words that are carelessly spoken can be devastating to your spouse and the people you love most. Negative words and phrases include… That’s stupid. You’re an idiot. Don’t be dumb. You never understand. You make no sense. Complaints Criticism Yelling Back-handed compliments Words spoken in anger Instead use words and phrases that build, like these … I love you. I’m proud of you. I forgive you. Thank you. I appreciate you. You can do it. Don’t give up. No matter what, I’m here for you. Did you have a good day? Good job. God has given us the gift of speech, and you have the power to use your words to hurt someone or heal someone. You’ll use them today to either build up or tear down. “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (Proverbs 12:18). Today make an effort to use words that build up your spouse and family … not that tear down.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 08:59:48 +0000

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