WORSHIP SONG for SUNDAY – It may sound funny but sometimes I - TopicsExpress


WORSHIP SONG for SUNDAY – It may sound funny but sometimes I think a lot of people (including me of course!) kind of sleep walk through life. We’re over worked, over rested, over committed, distracted, overly connected and under engaged. Some spend so much time working and earning a living they don’t really have the energy to develop a worthwhile, influential life. And on the other side of the coin some have so much leisure time they are in a type of vacation mode almost all the time. In both cases the human brain turns to mush and the human spirit has very little life. It’s one thing for the non-spiritual person who doesn’t really walk with God to function this way but it’s a shame when it’s a Follower of Jesus. Today as those of us who are Christian Believers gather together for worship, some will be there but not really be “there!” They will be so tired and burned out from the activities of the week, that they couldn’t hear God if He SHOUTED! Their minds are in neutral and their spirits are stuck in the status quo. It shouldn’t be this way because God deserves and others need so much more. God desires to speak to us but we’re spiritually sleeping. Others need our encouragement but we’re mentally and physically so tired we don’t even notice them. I could say more but here are some words of admonition from the Apostle Paul....”This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living!” Paul encouraged those believers in Rome to “Wake Up” and serve God with fervency because time was being wasted. He urged them to “Wake Up,” live right and to shine brightly for Jesus! And we could say the same to each other beginning with the call to “wake up!” “Wake up” and worship! “Wake up” and hear the Word of the Lord! “Wake up” and be a blessing to others! “Wake up” and prioritize your life! We may have to make some adjustments and we may have to closely monitor how we use our time but how powerful would the declaration of the Gospel be if it was declared by fully alive, fully empowered, spiritually energized saints of God who lived lives of balance and lives of purpose. Maybe today can be a beginning of sorts, a new way of approaching life day to day. Being “awake” in all ways, allowing the Living Spirit of God to use us for the glory of God and to be a blessing to many.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:52:39 +0000

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