WORSHIP SONG for THURSDAY - Life seems to be moving faster and - TopicsExpress


WORSHIP SONG for THURSDAY - Life seems to be moving faster and faster, changes happen from moment to moment and the amount of information we are bombarded with is astonishing. Print media, videos, tv, radio, internet, ipods, ipads, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a host of other things clamoring for our attention. Its becoming increasingly difficult to go anywhere without some type of noise, music, or image hitting us in the face. As Followers of Jesus and students of the Bible we know that God tells us to be still and know that I am God and wait patiently before the Lord. Keeping quiet, practicing silence and shutting ourselves off from the world is becoming a lost art even among the more serious Christians. We seem to be addicted to sound, visuals, activities, music, communications and times consuming gadgets and devices. Coming apart from the world and spending quiet time with God almost seems a waste of time to us at times. How foolish we are! Jesus gave us a great example in this as the Bible tells us that He often went to a mountain to pray. Its mentioned that He rose up a great deal before day and prayed and that He also spent all night in prayer on several occasions. Maybe we need a fast from stuff! Maybe we need a sabbatical from the endless activity of being connected! Maybe we need to be still and stop the treadmill of business. The be still command has a promise connected to it, a promise that is well worth the effort of disconnecting....and KNOW that I am God. I would say thats a pretty good thing to seek after because what would measure up to the value of that....KNOWING HIM!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:18:06 +0000

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