WOW! How time flies. Today youre sixteen (16). I can recall - TopicsExpress


WOW! How time flies. Today youre sixteen (16). I can recall sixteen years ago on this same date 20th of January, on a Wednesday night around 9:45 pm. I have you in my arms. You were an angel that present to us by Almighty Allah. Today am thankful that I have you as a daughter. All these years you have brought joy and happiness into our family, for each passing day in our household. Having you as my daughter is my greatest accomplishment and I didnt even do a thing. You did it all, just by being you. Like a cherished memory, you become even sweeter, more precious and lovelier with time. I dont know what I did in a previous life to deserve you as my daughter in this lifetime. Whatever it was, it must have been incredible. It had to be to end up with an incredible daughter like you, Sure, youre daughter. But this is not the only thing that defines you. Your love, your beauty, youre caring, your intelligence, your humor, your ambition those and more add up to the wonderfulness of you. Love you lots and lots. If I had all the time in the world to write about how I feel about you, i would write a 100-volume magnum opus and that still wouldnt contain enough words to express my undying love for you. Daughters like you are fairies. They make their parents’ lives magical like a surreal fairy tale. Happy birthday to my mother and daughter Haja Saibatu Koroma
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 00:00:36 +0000

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