WRITER: MZD HANAFI SALAFI ARTICLE: SECTS IN ISLAM (ISLAM MEIN FIRQAY) One of our sister ambrassed islam, revert from christianity to Islam..... on acquiring i sent her this message. She is from America guys that is why i wrote it in her language. as, christians have different sects.... Islam has also been divided into differnct sects by kuffar {(kuffer means non-believer) yahodi = jews, nasara=christians) to make muslims waek in there strength, power, becuase in era of Muhammad PBUH it was the most growing religion (still today) and muslims were leading the whole world.. .that is why they (jews & nasara(christians) sent their agents in muslims & brought them up in scholars to make to new defferenet sect (group) ... now first of all we have 2 sects Sunni / Shite Shite:: is a religion they do takiya (takiya means lie) they say its in islam and its worship. They say we don’t have original Quran this Quran (book of Allah OR Book of Muhammad) is fake and our new messenger will bring original book with him that is why they pray but they don’t read anything in it but they just ACT. Second they do Zinnah (zinnah means intercourse with other than husband) They do zinnah contractual marriage of 1 hour 2 hour and even a guy can do it with her mother sister and aunt by putting a thin silk cloth on his part. Even in the laps of 2 years old gal. With servants for 2-4 hours videos are present for evidences. Third they (shite) abuse wives of prophet and the closest friends / companions of Muhammad PBUH because of their own made story due to propaganda…. They abuse especially the three leaders fater Muhammad PBUH. In Iraq these shite are mixed with Americans and killed 150,000 Muslims (sunni) In Bahrain they are killing sunni In Syria Americans are mixed with bashar (shite) and killed 130,000 Muslims (sunni) In Dammaj (city of Yemen) they are killing muslism (sunni) In Iran they are hanging Muslims with no reasons and sunni don’t have any masjid (mosque) in Iran ... but you will se church and tombs there in iran not sunni masjid THEIR SCRIPTURES SAYS KILLING SUNNI IS A GOOD DEED, ALLAH GIVES REWARD. Collectively they are very less than Sunni (Muslims). A lot of things to describes but let it be short. Sunni: They follow Sunnah (Sunnah OR sunnat means actions & saying of Muhammad PBUH. 1- Sunni are (i) Ahlul Sunnah Hanafi (ii) Ahlul Sunnah Shafae (iii) Ahlul Sunnah Maliki (iv) Ahlul Sunnah Hanabali 2- Sunni are Salafi OR Ahle hadith firqa After Muhammad PBUH a man claimed that he is a new messenger after Muhammad PBUH. His name was Musailma Kazzab. While in Quran and in sayings of prophet it is clear that there is NO messenger after Muhammad, but 30 layers will come after Muhammad PBUH. So, the bravest and the closet friend Abu Bakar R.Z. (companion & leader) of Muhammad PBUH sent thousands of companions to kill that layer. But unfortunately, in that battle most of the great scholars get shaheed (Shaheed means a men who dies in the way of Allah & goes directly to jannah … Jannah means paradise). However, Musailma Kazzab was killed. After this great loss of loosing great scholars who had memorized too much verses of Quran (book of Allah) in their hearts. After that a great meeting was called and was decided by all to gather all the verses and compile it in form of a Book. So it was saved. So this is how Allah’s word saved in a complete book by the closest companions of Muhammad PBUH. Now coming towards hadith (hadith means sayings of Prophet) these were not gathered because that was the time of spreading Islam and all companions were scattered in different places to preach Islam. Although, no one memorized complete sayings of prophet because these are more then 600,000+ may be up to one million. (in these saying all the ways of spending life are mentioned even 36 ways are mentioned to how to go to wash Room and bathing etc, how to do business, for women feeding, how to get clean, how to make food, how to eat, how to pray. All the ways to spent life. I am telling you all with reasons… After Muhammad SAWW, after around 80 years Abu Hanifa were born, he had great memory & memorized complete Quran & recite it 61 times in 30 days of Ramadan ( Ramadan is a month when all muslims do FAST means don’t eat from morning specific time to evening up to specific time) & Fasting is a pillar to islam is a important part of islam. Abu Hanifa went to different cities & countries where those companions went for preaching and collect all the scattered sayings of Muhammad PBUH & compile a complete procedure to issues for all the actions we perform like how to pray where to put hand in prayer how to recite how to fast when to fast how fast will be false how to pay charity how to do all… Similarly Imam Shafae, Maliki & Hanabali did and they learnt islam Quran and hadith of Muhammad SAWW and they derived rules from Quran & hadith for the easiness of Muslims. These are Four and all are correct and all four all known as Ahlul Sunnah. Let me tell you again all four scholars did not derived things by himself but only from Quran & hadith of Muhammad PBUH. On that time there were not much written books, internet, Ms-Word I mean all the facilities which we have right now so they could make comparison between each other, so they just derived as per Quran & hadith while their intensions were not false & they even shown in Quran & hadith, that how they derived rules OR answers to the problem. For example a men came to Abu Hanifa R.z. and ask that a women died while her womb is trembling should we take out the alive baby, in her. While in a hadith it’s mentioned that don’t give pain to a dead body. But Abu Hanifa allowed them and said I gave an answer to someone to which I am still disappointed & later Abu Hanifa came to know that baby become a great scholar. This solution OR Answer was not in Quran neither in hadith but its know as Ijtehad (ijtehad means a solutions derived from Quran & hadith) So those who follow Abu Hanifa are Ahlul Sunnah Hanafi, similarly we have Shafae, maliki and Hanabali. (Pakistan, India, Bangaladaish, Egypt etc are Hanafi) (Saudi arab are Hanabali) (Sodan Maliki) (Dubai, Jordan, Philistine, Shafae) so on …. These four are following their own imam (imam means Scholar) and should not follow any other scholar in different solution. I mean for our easiness we should not take solutions from different imam (the four scholars) of our own easiness but we should follow only one… and its our choise to choose. AND THE CHOOSING should as per the area where we can contact to understand batter solutions…. I mean if you have Shafae nearby then become a shafae similarly Hanafi maliki or Hanabali…. ALL ARE CORRECT AND ALL ARE AHLUL SUNNAH. Now Salafi “OR” Ahlul Hadith… they are small brothers of Shite they use to call everyone else kafir except of them while I say they are also muslim because I fear from Allah. They think that everyone have right of their own to understand Quran & hadith and to derived solutions on it. Some of them are killing each other salafi are killing salafi in UK & have 50+ sects within them just because everyone is scholar and all are teacher so they just search for the student : ) the same we have in asia with different name Ahlul hadith. THESE ALL ARE MUSLIMS BUT THESE SALAFIS OR AHLE HADITH ARE THOSE PEOPLE WHO ABUSE THESE BIG SCHOLARS ABU HANIFA, MALIKI SHAFAE, HANABALI, and these scholars have followers more then 10 millions so they say all 10 millions are kafir (kafir means out of islam or a non believer)…. May be you will ask more about salafi… just read many times this article and then ask me questions…. Allah maa’ak (it means may Allah be with you) its in Arabic
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 13:16:13 +0000

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