WTF? Main Stream Media Post CHEMTRAIL PICTURE Claiming Pilot - TopicsExpress


WTF? Main Stream Media Post CHEMTRAIL PICTURE Claiming Pilot Sneezing Caused It! You seriously couldnt make this crap up, only the do! They literally must make this BS up! Its getting so pathetic its laughable. A story that appears on Sky News talks of a woman, a teacher no less, that is in a right state because of a contrail she seen on the way to work. They actually put it in print that it may have been caused by a pilot sneezing, and even go as far as to say that maybe the pilot was avoiding a UFO! WTF! Why is this even a damn story? If its just a contrail, so what? aint they natural? No, this is totally a psy-op story designed to make anyone pointing out the geoengineering look like a total head-case, a conspiracy theorist, dare i say it. Then theres the urban dictionaries entry on Chemtard. A chemtard is anyone that is educated enough to know that there are geo-engineering conferences all the time where they talk about this science, but according to the Urban Dictionary, us chemtards are a racist bunch of whitch conspiracy theorists! Not my words - urban dictionary! https://youtube/watch?v=7nsB4zAST0s
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 17:23:13 +0000

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