Wah, wah, wah. Oh, my reflections. What have you wrought on your - TopicsExpress


Wah, wah, wah. Oh, my reflections. What have you wrought on your mystic mistake of a Master. How could LA be so fluffy and phony? Hey Datta-bro - Everyone knows LA is phony and fluffy. Did you know you can save 15% on car insurance with Geico? ******** Gurudatta Dattatreya feeling ready in Redondo Beach, California 5 hrs · Edited · “Im afraid I cant explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?” ~ Alice in Wonderland I see myself in Los Angeles, California in a dream of Spirituality, Love and Light and all that fancy, smancy Love yourself and heal the world, make it a better place facade. The bullshit just keeps getting thicker and thicker and thicker. After my realization in 11 I wanted to come to LA and share my Light but I was guided to leave the States, and now I know why. You can put nice words together, put pictures of pink clouds, rainbows and unicorns. You can sell your soul in a bottle to the highest bidder. You can use your body to lure in susceptible, gullible inquirers so that you can feel yourself and feed your selfish desires. Go ahead and put on your many masks, talk like one, act like one and they will believe you because you believe yourself but there is one catch. You cannot run from yourself, you will face yourself in the mirror of Truth, one way or another. You want to save and elevate the world, a world that exists only in your fabricated mind then you must first save and elevate yourself and then see if there is still a world that needs to be saved. All concern is self-concern, there is no thing other than yourself. Only when you are beyond the need of help, can you truly help another. And until that arises, you are just deceiving yourself. Too many spiritual reflections have come with all their deep-seeded issues only for me to reveal it all in the Light of Truth, but its too difficult and scary to admit what is buried in the darkness deep within you. All that is shared is offered as an invitation to acknowledge and transcend. It is much easier to distract yourself with attention and use external stimuli to satiate your own self-created sufferings. This part right here, right now, this part of our evolution, our collective ascension will be cutthroat and merciless. This shift is not for the faint of heart nor the insecure children wanting to hold unto their favourite toys, you either let go and rise or you stay where you are and perish. I dont make the rules, this is how the game is played and your very existence is your agreement. Take only as much as you can handle, if you cannot handle the Absolute Truth, then do NOT come to me, do NOT invite me into your life, stay as far away from me as possible. I am here to share this message and as long as there is a breath within this body, this is what will be reflected. A million ways to say it but only one way to Be it. May we all rise forth and together as One. Realizing that we are not separate persons with accumulated stories. May we all as a human species flow with earth as nature nurtured by nature. May we all as reflections of divinity, Consciousness manifest come to Know our true Self as nameless, formless potentials and possibilities of imagination. Can we come together and imagine a new existence or we will burn in this current paradigm of limited thought because we lack the courage and conviction to go within ourself? I share this morning post to you from the shores of Redondo Beach, California. I do not know the uncertainty of where this pathless path takes me next but just as you are Witnessing this dream, so Am I. Your reflection, an appearance within your Consciousness ... ~ heart emoticon
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:19:36 +0000

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