Walt Merrell Co. Co. D.A. Some in the Legislature (not our - TopicsExpress


Walt Merrell Co. Co. D.A. Some in the Legislature (not our local delegation) spent the entire session complaining about prison overcrowding and how we must do something before the Feds take over the prison system. Yet, those same Legislators did nothing and offered nothing to fix the problems at State prisons. Now we face at least another years worth of delay for construction, a years worth of delay for re-entry training, a years worth of delay for any meaningful effort to address the problem. Why? I cant speak for them, but I have some thoughts: 1. They know that the only way to temporarily fix the problem without spending money is to release a massive amount of prisoners from DOC. They certainly werent going to propose that in an election year. 2. They also weret going to admit that their election pledges of four years ago to never raise taxes, were short sighted, and they cant fix the prison problem without going back on that promise... again, especially in an election year. 3. Perhaps they want the Feds to take over? Let the Federal government come in release the prisoners and force the State to raise taxes to build more prisons. Then they can say, we didnt do it... dont blame us. No matter their reasons, it is a loss for the people of Alabama. As an elected official, I dare not try to abdicate my responsibility to the people. I get paid to make the easy decisions and the ever so tough, and at times unpopular decisions, but I always do what I think is in the best interest of the people - even when it cost me political popularity. Build more prisons Ive said, time and time again - knowing that many on the left and the right cringe at the idea. You see, it is extremely politically unpopular to make such a statement, yet it must, must, must be done as one prong of a viable solution to prison overcrowding. The alternative is a mass prisoner release. Those prisoners arent moving back into the gated subdivisions of the elite... they are moving back into our neighborhoods... and I assure you this, if they are in prison now, it is because a Judge and/or a Jury, a Prosecutor and a Victim believed their actions were severe enough to require incarceration. The function of government is to serve the people. I fear that in the very near future, and unless they do something more than pander, that function will fail on this issue.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 21:43:44 +0000

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