Wanda Perry 6 mins From the Desk of: Mat Staver Chairman, - TopicsExpress


Wanda Perry 6 mins From the Desk of: Mat Staver Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action October 13, 2014 Recent ISIS advances indicate that President Obamas halfhearted strategy to degrade and destroy the brutal terror group is failing. At least one U.K. newspaper says ISIS has actually grown stronger since U.S.-led airstrikes began. Read my urgent update below to find out what this failure means to Iraqi Christians and other religious minorities caught in the crossfire — Mat. , U.S.-led airstrikes against ISIS are failing. Thats according to the British newspaper, The Independent, which says President Obamas strategy in Iraq and Syria is in tatters as terrorists push closer to Baghdad: Americas plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant groups fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad. The U.S.-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as ISIS) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obamas plan to degrade and destroy Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, ISIS is expanding its control rather than contracting. As ISIS expands, so does the humanitarian crisis in northern Iraq. Very little is being done to rescue people still trapped in the crosshairs of the brutal terror group
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:18:59 +0000

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