Want to get involved? Help change our laws in MS so that parents - TopicsExpress


Want to get involved? Help change our laws in MS so that parents have access to the same fundamental rights over their childrens vaccine schedule that they have in 48 other HEALTHIER states via a non-medical vaccine waivers that would give parents and doctors choices regarding our out-of-control, NEVER-TESTED-as-administered big government vaccine program of 49 vaccines by kindergarten and growing: Please join your regional group at the link in the comments and set notifications (button on the top banner picture) to all posts so you are engaged and dont miss any calls to action. Session begins tomorrow. **This year is our best opportunity to pass this NECESSARY legislation. Educated families are leaving, and taking their businesses with them in droves to our neighboring states that respect parental rights. If you arent willing to get involved, dont complain when your 10 year old son is MANDATED to receive GARDASIL in order to attend school. Dont complain when your preschooler is MANDATED to get the flu shot for preschool because that IS COMING!! Youll have no option but to homeschool or move. How many is too many for your unique child? How long will we put up with them adding more vaccines. >>>Please get involved. Our vaccine law is a joke to other informed parents across the nation. It is archaic and oppressive. We are being exploited here in MS because the MSDH and medical establishment has been given tyrannical power and think we dont know any better than to question them. Lets get it together, Mississippi and fight for our parental rights! I am embarrassed that this hasnt been corrected. Help, please!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:12:00 +0000

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