Warning: L O N G and N O T proof read so dont read if you are - TopicsExpress


Warning: L O N G and N O T proof read so dont read if you are going to freak out about that. Okay my lovelies, so, I was rear-ended yesterday while driving to the supermarket with my kids. The guy pulled over and was very nice and mellow to start. He wanted to go without insurance and tried to give me a rubber-banded stack of 20s; he said it was $5,000.00. Our usual policy is to go through insurance so that the route we went after discussing it with my husband...this is when the man started to change...the insurance claim agent asked me if I was hurt and I told her that my neck was starting to hurt. I have been in a couple car accidents before and been rear-ended before and know how little force can cause damage to your neck and spine. When I mentioned that my neck was hurting, the guy got even more aggravated trying to tell me that he wasnt traveling that fast. I was at a stop and he crashed into me going up hill....the back of my van still opens and I can still drive but the area below the license plate is concave now....positive, very easy to pull down now. ;-) So, why am I posting this? Because that situation was very stressful for me...my daughter thankfully fell asleep or didnt wake up and Soren was a saint trapped in a childs body during the whole time just playing with his lego while I tried to deal with the guy, the insurance, the police, and the fire department. Why the police? In Grass Valley, they facilitate information exchange...I prefer to call them as in the last two cases, the people I have dealt with calm back down/check themselves (after usually getting quite aggressive) when the police show up. When calling the police, they asked if anyone was hurt and I told them my neck hurt...thats how the fire department got involved...they checked that I knew the date and what I was doing before the car accident and that I didnt have any bone soreness and then went on their way...I was embarrassed but thats what they are there for...same with the police being called to just to an information exchange....this was hard for me as I am not a wave maker usually...but after theses last two times of needing them, I think I am going to put the non-emergency number in my phone along with my insurance with the numbers needed to input as my brain almost completely shut off with the adrenaline and pressure that guy was putting on me to just say I was okay and take some money...he even offered to pay off our car at one point, get it fixed, have an estimate done and he would pay for it. All these things were so much for me to think about...thankfully I had support in my husband during this time. The guy was worried I was going to try and sue him for bodily injury and say that I got all messed up from just a rear-ending....maybe he hadnt been rear-ended before..I dont know but what I was noticing this morning, is that my need to people pleasing was coming out and I was suppressing my pain/discomfort, worrying about what this person, a stranger may think of me later....Im sharing this so other people who may have this situation can reflect on this. I told the guy that I didnt want to sue him for excessive money, I just wanted to be exactly how I was before he hit me...I was on my way to the dojo after the supermarket to train but that had to be put off. I still drove to the dojo afterwards, very shaken and super concentrating to make sure I got there safely without another car accident...I just needed a place to fall apart and take a breath. I got to the dojo and just cried for a while as I let the stress of the situation just kind of fall off a bit. I am so grateful for the wonderful people in my life here...my Sensei, who was in the midst of her own crisis, can to the rescue and organized what to do next with the kids and getting me checked out to make sure I had done all that I needed for the insurance. A couple of my dojo- mates drove me to the ER and then offered extra help before heading back....just wonderful and I am so thankful. The ER visit was speedy and many people were very supportive...the doctor however just sort of looked at me like I was a goose I felt...maybe just my nervousness coming out or maybe she thought I was silly with just a neck hurt...she suggested that you cant see disks on x-rays when I mentioned previous X-rays showing the damage after my first car-accident. She suggest Ibuprofen around the clock for 24 hrs and then see how I feel after that but that was it because it was only muscle soreness I was complaining of....the nurse did mention to me to keep aware of any tingling, dissyness, loss of feeling, etc for the next couple of days. So now I am set up with a chiropractic exam because I can still feel neck twinges and back aches through the 600mg of Ibuprofen and I dont want to go untreated in a time line when the adjustments would do the most good. Main point my lovelies, its okay to seek help...its okay to lean on people, you dont have to do it all by yourself and you shouldnt really try in times of need...the situations bring out the best in those that love you. My son came and gave me endless hugs and told me he loved me...even after just falling at school and getting the biggest cherry on his cheek ever (another thing I am so grateful to Aikido for; it could have been such a worse fall if he didnt know instinctively how to fall), my dad dropped his open house night, and Sean Dunbar, rushed home with pizza, wine, and super daddy mode to take over the night. Okay, Im done....just thought I would share. I am open to questions if I left off in the middle of a thought. ;-) I never do that though. ;-)
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 19:15:17 +0000

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