Warning: this is a really long post. I am not usually one to post - TopicsExpress


Warning: this is a really long post. I am not usually one to post much on Facebook, especially not long soapbox type posts. However, please hear me out. Albert Einstein once said, “I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” This is a true statement, and one that applies to our society today. I am 28 years old. In my lifetime, improvements in technology have increased at a faster rate than ever before. While this technology has in some ways improved our quality of life, in many ways it has ruined it. I am truly scared of what the future has to hold for children of future generations. When I was a kid, we watched our fair share of television, but we also went outside to play. We had chores. When we left the house, we couldn’t take the television with us. We read books in the car and played “I Spy”. Again, I am only 28; when I was a kid was not that long ago. Today, children are taught to stare at a screen and not interact with the people around them. They are able to take these devices with them everywhere they go. Where do they learn this? From their parents—people my age. The other day, I went out to eat with my husband. We sat and talked while we waited for our food. I looked across the room at another table, and what I saw broke my heart. Two young children, a boy and a girl, were sitting at the table quietly, while their mom and dad ignored them and each other and stared at their phones. How sad. Our society is addicted to their phones and it is ruining our children. Over the last couple of months I realized how bad this problem has become, even among my own friends and family. I am not saying that cell phones or technology are bad. I have a smart phone and it is quite handy. However, it has a time and a place. Unfortunately for some people, that time and place seems to be all the time and everywhere they go. If you cant go anywhere without your phone--maybe this post is about you. Maybe it isnt directly referring to you, but perhaps youve found yourself in this position before. Just think about it... When grandma makes a “no cell phones” policy at Thanksgiving and four people still can’t manage to stay off of their phone, there is a problem. First of all, the fact that she even has to make that rule tells you that there is a problem. Secondly, when people (not just kids either) can’t even put their phones away and visit with family for a few hours, you are showing a complete lack of respect to the people around you, especially if they have specifically asked you to keep your cell phones put away. What you’re saying is, “I feel obligated to be here. I showed up to eat the food you made, but aside from that, leave me alone because I have better things to do than interact with you.” You would most likely NEVER actually say this, but that is what your actions are implying. A few weeks ago, I invited a friend to my house for a casual dinner. After the meal, I started picking up dishes and cleaning up while we continued to talk. Instead of offering to help or even just giving me their full attention during our conversation, this person stood next to me and talked while looking at their phone. The other day, we had another set of people over for dinner. There were six of us sitting at the table talking and interacting, but at the end of the table, there was one person who constantly had their head down all THROUGH DINNER because they were looking at their phone. Talk about rude! Thad and I have tried to establish a “no phones at the table” policy at our house. This way, by the time we have children old enough to have phones, this will be a well established rule. So, if you come to my house for dinner, please keep your cell phone put away. Kids don’t need unlimited data and texting plans. They need to go outside and play; they need to have some responsibilities around the house; they need to be able to be kids while they still can. Most of all, they need to have love, attention and guidance from their parents. If you’re too busy staring at your cell phone, then they will find that love and attention (good or bad) somewhere else. Some of you may think Im out of date or old fashioned. These are just my observations over the past few weeks, but I hope it has been a wake-up call to somebody. It has definitely opened my eyes and made me more aware of how often I am on my phone. Put your phone away and spend time with the people who are right in front of you. Your parents and grandparents aren’t going to be around forever. Your kids aren’t going to be little very long. Don’t miss out on YOUR life because you were too busy checking your cousin’s wife’s mother’s great-aunts Facebook status.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:15:27 +0000

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