Was just thinking about the carnage that took place yesterday in - TopicsExpress


Was just thinking about the carnage that took place yesterday in Peshawar..! Words cannot describe the revulsion and shame....! Then Cold Reality hits you….Wonder how many more of such incidents will it take to wake up the slumberous humanity which has been behaving with cattle like indifference for such a long time? People in power whether wrested or “elected”, will manipulate humanity and treat it as a means to their ends and thus this amazing species which should have its destiny written in the stars is being primed to drown in the oceans. Above all, why is humanity silent when it comes to the archaic and de-based concept of religion? It had its purpose, had its run and now it’s over. God is a belief and that cannot be taught thru any doctrine. So is the right to self-determination and tolerance of others views the basis of any evolved society of an intelligent species, in this case Humans....So what has gone wrong with the species..? Is it too numb or has it chosen to be comfortably so...? Because if the Peshawars and the Baslans do not wake us up, there will be no future to talk about.....!! We have shown callous indifference for so many such atrocities which are conveniently forgotten….again the ‘numb-inert’ taking over…..by interestingly giving it the positive pseudo tag of man’s ‘resilience to get over it’….in the process totally diluting and sometimes trivializing the grisly fact itself….and making us forget it. One is amazed at how an intelligent species can commit such acts and then like a diseased being it does an Alzheimer ….and moves the so called ‘forward’……wonder what that word means, when the present repeats the past again and again while we blissfully plan for the non-existant future….! Hope is the only straw to hang on it seems, but the load is slowly becoming too much....and once that is lost...its the end...! so humans there is enough for everybody...and we do not need to control each other to be happy...and have our own way of living disrupted...so look within and please evolve...!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:00:58 +0000

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