Watch out for ROUNDUP! And remember FOOD LIES!! Every so - TopicsExpress


Watch out for ROUNDUP! And remember FOOD LIES!! Every so often I just quit eating carbohydrates for several days and always feel great. But as a creature of habit I also go back on carbs first by thinking just this one item, then, well just these few items with carbs but still with the intention of not ever getting back to regular consumption of carbs, which as far as carbs go I think I may be an average consumer. Of course it is not long until I am back to my normal consumption and not feeling great anymore, just fat and tired with achy joints and ringing ears! Back when I was a healthy manager of an all natural food cooperative I noticed that when I kept my diet pure of all toxins I had no ringing in my ears but the moment, and I mean moment as in after the first bite of something toxic, the ringing returned. For year I used this phenomenon to know what to eat and not to eat, then I just abandoned the practice all together. Back then I was a healthy 155 to 195 in weight, 155 at the tail end of long fast then up to 195 which is my ideal weight for my height. Today I am a whopping 345 and thinking very seriously about going on another no carb diet or a spring water only fast . Now before you say, Oh my God, Steve, not water only! You will die! Sorry, I never have yet and dont believe I would unless I stayed on it for well over 40 days, but even that is hardly necessary, Once I went 12 days on watermelon and water, the first 5 watermelon followed by 7 on water and I lost 28 lbs. Not bad, eh? I think if we follow the money we will find the food industry is very much behind the now universal belief that fasting is bad for us which, by the way, is a relatively new opinion. I have learned through much reading on fasting and actual fasting decades ago of not one thing that makes fasting dangerous except that after five days of fasting all desire to eat fades to almost zero. That means you have to start a fast with an end date in mind and make sure that on that day you begin the process of reintroducing food slowly over several days back into your digestive system. In other words dont plan to start eating when you feel like it because you may never feel like it again. And if you start out fat dont be fooled of sticking to the fast till all your stretched out skin returns to normal because you will die waiting for that to happen since it could take many, many months. Instead lose the fat, then allow the skin time to shrink back to normal through light healthy eating, i.e.., NO ROUNDUP, and exercise. Remember if you fast till you lose a lot of weight you will feel like a butterfly for months afterwards. Wanting to get out the door and be active will be a very powerful force pulling on you so just let it happen. But this is hard to imagine if you are now fat or on ROUNDUP; wanting to get out and exercise is the last thing in the world that you want. ---Steve Zabielski
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:35:44 +0000

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