Watch the video below and meet a deportee named Ray Jesus, who - TopicsExpress


Watch the video below and meet a deportee named Ray Jesus, who lives apart from his American wife and 5 American children. He was the breadwinner. After deportation, his family relies on welfare to get by. He is no violent criminal, he went through the proper channels and applied for permanent citizenship, he owned and operated a successful company and dutifully paid all his taxes. This video lends reality to the hidden cost of deportation. I strongly dispute the inference in the video that it is President Obamas fault that there is an increase in deportation. I will agree deportations increased at border state levels, simply because local and state government are more aggressively enforcing their city and states illegal immigration activities. The goals are written by civic and state leaders and are their own states projections, not the Federal Government or the Presidents goals. They do so to remain in compliance with the 2008 immigration laws. Even today many legal immigrants believe the right wing biased media, faux journalism and false political hype that it is President Obama who is responsible for their crisis. We who know better can circulate the truth in time to open closed mind to the truth that this President is on their side, front and center, actively seeking a humane solution for immigrants, current refugees, for all US citizens. This same crisis is ongoing since the pilgrims decided to come to this country — not only in hope of opportunity but also in hope of safety from injustice. Thats exactly why the pilgrims came. Thats why these refugees come here as well. No presidential administration before President Obama, left or right-wing, has been capable of resolving it during their term because of partisan politics from both sides of the aisle, the same as what he is dealing with since he was sworn into office in January 2009. However, this current President is faced with this crisis, fueled by calculated, sworn, unprecedented political obstruction. As for President Obama, he is bound to uphold the laws of the United States of America, just as every previous president. He is doing his job just as he should; standing with each local and states immigration enforcement activities as they uphold the latest deportation and immigration laws passed in 2008. This President diligently seeks ways to enforce immigration laws more humanely. The renowned Party Of No, that being the Republicans and Tea Party, continue to block his request for relief for the refugees and immigrants by refusing to vote to approve the Presidents request for federal funding for this crisis. He submitted a proposal for funding to Congress for approval in federal funds of $3.7 billion for the various government and non-profit charitable agencies in the bordering states immediately. The intent was to provide more humane shelter, food, and trained agents to speed up the processing of the increased number of refugees in the bordering states. The Republicans are defiantly refusing to approve these funds regardless of the hardship to these human beings or to the border states. They are NOT approving ANY federal relief funds for this crisis. GOP continually refuses to call the funding request for a vote or votes to block the request. The outcome of this particular proposal is indefinite. They are refusing to pass any immigration reform during this election year for fear of upsetting their corporate sponsors and big money donors and maybe, fear loosing their congressional seat. Lets see how that works for em. ~ Triena Rogers https://news.vice/video/immigrant-america-the-high-cost-of-deporting-parents
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 01:05:20 +0000

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