Water is not a human right. Nestle is the worlds leading water - TopicsExpress


Water is not a human right. Nestle is the worlds leading water bottling company, supplying more than 70 of the worlds most popular water brands. This cooperation has been notorious for their blatant disregard of the environment. Buying wells in various areas that are stripping local farmers and the community of their water rights. Even when the natural hydrological cycle is obviously suffering, with increasing presence of sinkholes and mud flats, and even in times of drought Nestle keeps pumping. The pursue of profit is much more valued to these large cooperations than is protecting our environment and precious resources (VERY precious, as 2/3s of the worlds population will live in water scarcity by the year 2025 at the rate we are consuming--an unavoidable fact that may not seem as pertinent to our country at the moment as we still have free flowing water from our taps, sprinklers, and water parks). The notorious Monsanto is mentioned throughout this video, and the CEO of Nestle sure does seem enamored by this company and is trying very hard to surpass Monsanto in morally questionable behaviors with one thing in mind: securing resources for the future so when WE run out, well only have one source to buy from. Very similar to my blog discussion on how Monsanto has recently developed new GMO seeds to resist the various effects of scattering heavy metals in the sky for purpose of promoting rainfall (browningfall2014eh3100.blogspot/2014/11/the-controversial-chemtrails-and.html) it is blatantly obvious that these large cooperations are securing their profits with future sight. They see these resources dwindling, they see the environmental effects that will occur on our land and crops, and they are using this to their advantage, ensuring that when push comes to shove we are the ones who will have to give into their demands. And they obviously see the benefit of collaboration, as it is very apparent that Nestle and Monsanto are in cahoots with one another. We, as the public, need to enforce our rights. The United Nations has already stated that water is a human right, as is both air and freedom. We will not have to buy our freedom, we will not have to buy our air, and we SHOULD NOT have to buy our water. So, why do we? Why do you go to the grocery store and buy a case of water? Not only is more water used in the production of these plastic containers, not only is this amount of plastic polluting our oceans on a level we are not able to maintain (there are more microfilaments of plastic floating around in the ocean than there is phytoplankton, the basis of oceanic life), but the water contained in plastic bottles is actually MUCH less regulated than tap water, as it is beyond the FDAs scope of abilities to monitor every site of every bottling company. An example of this is in 1994 during the outbreak of virbio cholerae (bacterium that causes Cholera) and the more recent 2003 contamination with chemical bromate. Even more, in practically every taste test, tap water remains undefeated against bottled water, and its free (for now). In addition to boycotting the privatization of water by not buying bottled water, we as a whole need to demonstrate the foresight of large cooperations and recognize that water is an endangered resource and if we reduce our consumption we might be able to keep it around a little longer for us and for our children. This is not solely in our hands, as industrial and agricultural practices consume massive amounts of clean drinking water and many turn it into toxic waste products that cannot be reused (70 lbs of water are used per microchip, and Apple sold over 10 million iPhones in just the first 3 days). To truely prevent this crisis from worsening we need a change in mindset worldwide. But for now, boycotting bottled water and reducing water consumption is a huge step. This has already been done in places like Canada, in which universities in Toronto have already either began phasing out or have fully phased out the buying and selling of bottled water, a movement the students fully support once educated on the importance of both protecting this resource and preventing it from being privatized to large companies. Water is YOUR right! YOU deserve to have access to clean drinking water for all you and your families needs, take care of it! (Also I do not agree with everything the Anonymous posts, but this a very informative and educational video emphasizing the importance of preventing water privatization). #waterprivatization #waterrights #waterisahumanright
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:46:21 +0000

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