Wats good my peeps. Listen I dont say this to condemn or to pass - TopicsExpress


Wats good my peeps. Listen I dont say this to condemn or to pass judgment, but at tymes I see and read things here on FB that sometymes makes me wonder! Although I will say, there is some positive stuff here. I have read things that inspire me, and some that make me scratch my head..lol.. I am blessed to know that there is a website like FB that allows me to do so. I may not reach many, but if every friend of mine here on FB was to share there faith in Jesus, I promise you, we can win souls. I have had and continue to recieve many thank yous because of what I share. May I also say I have led to Christ via FB. I dont say this to boast or brag, but just calling like it is. Wat does it profit us to gain all of Gods word in us and not share it! That will only make us a spiritual gluten! As believers each of us will give an account for our time here on earth. This is not the same as being judged on our salvation status. Christs death on the cross allows all who believe to enter Gods kingdom. We will be judged on our works done since the time of our salvation. This judgment of believers is called the Bema Seat judgment. This event is described in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15: Paul says that Christ is our foundation. Our works are the building on this foundation. The materials of gold, silver, and precious stones refer to works done with pure motives for the glory of God. The works of wood, hay, and straw are works done with the wrong motives to glorify self. At the Bema Seat, our works will be tested with divine fire. Those works that were done for the glory of God will endure the flames and will be our reward. Some will regretfully see all their works on earth burned up before their eyes and enter heaven with little or no reward. The unbeliever will be judged and sentenced to hell. At the end of the age, he faces the Great White Throne judgment. Here, all the unrighteous dead from the beginning of time are judged based on their rejection of the Savior. They are then thrown into the lake of fire for eternity. Revelation 20:11-15 Knowing that as Christians we will one day give an account for our lives, we should live as wise stewards over what God has given us. Knowing the fate of the unsaved should fill us with boldness to share Christ unashamedly, with urgency to all. Knowing what lies beyond the grave should motivate us to live life on earth with a mission.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 02:21:06 +0000

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