Ways to Ask Out a Girl Be confident - This is the most - TopicsExpress


Ways to Ask Out a Girl Be confident - This is the most important piece of advice I have to offer. Women like confident men. If you approach whichever woman youre going to approach, no matter what age you are, and you do it completely lacking self-confidence, youre probably going to strike-out. If you approach believing in yourself, unconcerned about what kind of answer youre going to get because youre happy with your life and who you are, the chances of getting a positive answer rise dramatically. Dont worry about the result. Worry about the presentation. If the presentation is good, the results will come. And if she says no, dont grovel. Just smile, turn around, and think about the next girl youre going to ask out. Send a hand-written note - Theres something about a hand-written note thats tender and intimate. Used properly, it will make that girl you want feel special. Unless youre a professional poet, Id avoid that sort of thing, but a note thats direct, heartfelt, and well-written, will get her attention. Its old school and interesting. Look like youre enjoying yourself - Nothing is more attractive than a smile except a nice butt and a six-pack. Anyway, you may find the act of approaching and asking out a woman a torturous experience. If that torture is written all over your face, us ladies know and it becomes torture for us too. Relax, smile, have fun. Try not to drool. Smiling is contagious. It tells us that youre cool under pressure. Women like that. A lot. Breath Mints - A short interlude on the importance of good breath and teeth-brushing. You do everything right. Your approach is flawless. You get near her. You utter the perfect line. Your breath smells like an elephants butt. Remember, youre going to talk to her. Make sure your breath smells good and you smell good. Be creative but not weird - You want to give the girl something a little different than what shes used to, but you dont want to spin out of control into the land of the weird. What do I mean? If you want to ask her out, you can always walk up and say: hey, do you want to go out? Its dull, but direct. Then you can put a little spin on that mediocrity. Maybe you walk up and give her a piece of candy and launch into a conversation. Whatever. What you dont want to do is something that makes you seem weird. Asking a woman out is no time for weird. Be a little innovative, but dont go crazy. Dont just ask her out - Dont just ask her out. Be specific. Walking up and saying do you want to go out sometime? could mean anything from a cup of coffee to a weekend at the grandparents annual swing dance and jello eating contest. Tell her what you want to do. No girl wants to make an open-ended commitment with somebody shes just met unless hes Justin Timberlake. Besides, knowing exactly what you want to do with a girl shows confidence and planning and is very attractive. Theres a big difference between do you want to hang out? and Would you join me for some coffee? I know this great bench overlooking the pier. Its spectacular at dusk. FOR MORE TIPS LIKE OUR PAGE===>https://facebook/pages/Kenya-SugarmummiesDaddiesGaysLesbians-n-Marriage-partners-Here/1503142546587388 https://facebook/pages/Kenya-SugarmummiesDaddiesGaysLesbians-n-Marriage-partners-Here/1503142546587388
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:14:51 +0000

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