We all grow up thinking and planning our lives, according to what - TopicsExpress


We all grow up thinking and planning our lives, according to what we think normalcy is. Grow up. Meet someone. Fall in love. Get married. Have children together. Spend the rest of your years growing old and eventually passing away after a long life. We have this image of what life is supposed to be. We have our plans. Most of us, being the humans we are, dont like to have someone else plan our life. We dont like the idea of someone else having authority over us. But the fact is that we dont always know whats best for us. There is only one person who knows exactly how our life needs to be. The Lord. The only thing is that sometimes we dont understand why He allows our lives to go in completely opposite directions than we intended. We cant grasp why certain things happen. In my situation, I have learned a lot and see things in a totally different lighting now days. No, I didnt plan on growing up, getting married to a wonderful man, have children and spending the next 6 years together battling cancer. Spending countless sleepless days and nights in hospitals and doctors offices. Staying up all night to make sure my husband was still breathing, taking care of two babies and him who eventually becomes incapable of taking care of himself. Growing up I never expected to have a marriage full of so much love, joy, fun, yet so much sadness, worry, stress, sickness; ending in a loss at the age of 26. I didnt grow up picturing myself taking care of two little girls alone. Or have an image of myself having to date, or marry anyone else again. Having to put someone in my childrens lives and them in someone elses. Just like so many dont plan on ending in divorce, split families, loss of a child, having a handicap child, finding someone who has children already, falling in love with someone and not being able to have children. We dont plan these things. And after being in my position I have grasped the concept that God does all of the planning. Every single bit. As hard as we try to plan, he has all of the power and authority to put those plans to a halt, to change directions completely, or to add something unexpected yet so amazing in the mix that you never imagined becoming apart of your life. And all for a reason. All for His big picture. All for His glory in the end. As scary as the unknown, unexpected, and unplanned is. It is going to be ok. God gives us strength in many ways, whether it be by His word or people he places in our lives. People that help us grow and love. We cant pass opportunities up just because it wasnt in the future we saw. You take chances and follow your heart. Put all your trust in Jesus Christ and He will lead you to exactly where you need to be. Life is about love and happiness. Christ loves us more than anything. And when we trust in Him he is happy. And all in all, when we trust Him we will be happy. Even though struggles come, The Lord gives us strength. We lean on His understanding, not our own. Proverbs 3:5 – 6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:01:39 +0000

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