We all have choice. Choice that I nor anyone else can give or take - TopicsExpress


We all have choice. Choice that I nor anyone else can give or take away. I despair at a reality where human beings choose to give up their freedom...by living in disillusionment. Believing that they, in some manner, do not have the freedom of choice. Thus they accept the reality handed to them. The lives they lead, falsely believing they are not in control. That they did not choose to submit to whatever it is that oppresses them. That they choose to give in to fear and that there is anything greater than that which divides us. I have always been connected to the collective unconscious. I have always perceived the reality in which we live in and I have never done anything but call attention to what is obviously within ones grasp when they express a need. For I know that my intentions are powerful and that I have the ability to effect a massive change on a global scale with the power of my thoughts alone, for I am not alone... As I embrace my own disillusionment I move toward greater and greater truth and in that is my power. What I find on a daily basis here in Austin, is simply the projection of fear. Over and over again many in disillusionment will project that disillusionment onto me and encourage others to behave in a disingenuous way. Simply, to lie, to be false and to masquerade and if you do not behave dishonestly, you are not trusted. Austin is weird. But this reality is not limited to Austin, it is indeed the human condition. To go deeper...To live in disillusionment is to live in uncertainty and to choose that uncertainty and what I see here is the will to validate that uncertainty. Personally, there is already much uncertainty within our realm without the human constructs of the ego to create more... So most will assume that everything that is said to them can not be believed...in fact simply, when you choose the false reality in which you do not have choice then it becomes hard to discern the truth of any reality... That truth threatens the illusion which many have come to believe they need to survive. To promote this false reality, this illusion that we are, in some way, not free to decide what our reality is and what it is that we believe. They do so for fear that they will be denied the means of theyre survival. Food, shelter, companionship. All are very real things and are very much needed for ones survival. To choose otherwise is to forfeit these things...or so they are lead to believe. Promote a false reality or be denied your humanity. Is the message we are being given. For me, when the illusion begins to crumble, simply by embracing the truth. Those who choose to validate their fears are not able to fully delude themselves, because human beings are so much more than anything we can construct...What then happens is an outward projection of fear and a sense of total self-absorbsion to compensate for the freedom that they willingly gave up. Because if they did not, then they would lose their friends, their family, their homes, their jobs, etc... What occurs is a rift socially which is simply the dualism of human society. Those who choose disillusionment and those who embrace the disillusionment of humanity for what it is and do not seek to project fear and create the illusion of control. The false reality or the real one. When in reality, there is only one reality and that is the reality we are living in. You can not force or impose the truth on others, those who do would only be guilty all same. We are currently living through a revolution.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:08:03 +0000

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